Pudu with M.Zuiko 75mm F1.8

It has been a long while since i last used the M.Zuiko 75mm F1.8 lens extensively, hence I decided to use this one lens only for my morning shutter therapy session at Pudu earlier today. It was a difficult focal length to use being too long for most subjects that appear to be very short distance from the camera. Nonetheless, a little challenge will make things more interesting, and surely pushed me to try even harder to get good shots. I have come to love the 75mm F1.8 lens and acknowledge its amazing sharpness, along with the capability to render very shallow depth of field. The bokeh this 75mm F1.8 lens creates is just simply beautiful. 

Portrait of Stranger 1

Outside the window

Roasted to Crisp

Red Beans

Portrait of Strangers 2

Portrait of a Stranger 3

Young One

That is one huge fish

Smoking it

Green Weight


By the entrance

Golden Dragons

I think it is difficult not to love this lens! 


  1. Robin,
    Very nice shots. You made it seemed so simple; any lens you use produce awesome results.

    1. Thanks Siewks! Photography is meant to be simple!

  2. Hi Robin, great lens and great photos (as usual), I had the chance to have that wonder for about an hour walk (thanks to my friend's store in Venice) and enjoyed it very much... take a look if you have time http://renatogreco.blogspot.it/2013/11/mister-zuiko-digital-ed-75mm-118-quick.html
    it's an italian blog but you can translate it... however the images are always enough, I hope :)
    I have to thank you for making me discover that m43 world,
    all the best from Italy,

  3. Robin, Outstanding, brilliant images. Thank you!

  4. 8th to comment? ;P Love the dragons one! Now, I'm tempted to try the 75mm.

    1. Love that lens...and it's all cuz of your review and lending it to me :P I see the photos were great today? Love the golden dragons!

    2. I am innocent! Thanks for the kind words alex.

  5. Hey Robin, the look on the face of the lady with the pearl necklace is priceless! That 75 is some lens. If one has a Pen or an EM5 or EM1 this is looking like a must have. And, in my opinion, the 45 is a must have especially considering it's relatively lower cost. And, sorry for mentioning the competition, but the Panasonic 25 f1.4 is really fabulous optic. Micro 4/3 is really cranking along. Long live Olympus!

    1. Hey David,
      Indeed it is an exciting time for micro 4/3. We already have so many amazing lenses. Great lenses keep pouring in!

  6. Great stuff!

    "It was a difficult focal length to use being too long for most subjects that appear to be very short distance from the camera."

    I'd agree with that. I tend to use my ZD 50-200mm lens for what I'll call quick portraits, and it works quite well, although I'm using shooting sports at the time. I've used it on the street a few times, as I don't really have a lot of fixed focal length lenses--the Leica/Panasonic 25mm and ZD 50mm are both Four-Thirds lenses. The 50-200mm is also good protection, which is more than i can say for micro Four-Thirds lenses. :-D

    1. hey Sakamoto,
      It is good to have more than one lens, unless zoom lens is used. Nonetheless, it is prudent to be able to work with multiple focal lengths to get different perspectives. That would add variety and creative options.

  7. Hi robin...long time no see.. its medium tele lens right.. it's difficult to captured the whole moment.. it's not wide.. you can't see the whole story inside the picture.. but it's good for portrait with nice bokeh..i use 60mm prime lens and i can see this difficult during street shoot.. that's from my view.. dunno with others...really miss to shoot with you Robin!!!. hahhahahaha

  8. Hi Robin,

    I'm looking for a good lens that can help take running shots, I did a lot of running photography previously with my Canon 450D and since switching to my EM1, I'm hesitant to get a lens that will do the job, Here's a photo example which I'm wondering if could be replicated using the 75mm f1.8, or would the bokeh not be as defined? Hope you could help me out here! I'm contemplating between this lens or a 60mm macro for the job, if you've got another lens to recommend please do! =)



    1. If you want bokeh, the 75mm F1.8 will produce much better, smoother background than the 60mm F2.8. And the longer reach will be beneficial too.

    2. Sorry for the late response, thanks a lot for your input!

  9. Excellent work - stunning portraits. The smoker is my favorite, together with the "young one" and the dragons. A lovely lens.
