Guess What Camera I am Reviewing Now?

Happy New Year 2014 to all you beautiful people! I have been busy shooting and it was for a blog review of this new camera, of course from Olympus. I am in the midst of shooting and compiling my images and should be writing my full review soon. 

 I shall show a few of the images I have taken so far with this new camera, and can you guess which camera and lens combination used to take the following images? No prizes for right answers though.


  1. the new stylus - Happy New Year, Robin

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  3. The mosquito on the parrot's head! OMG!! Superb!!

  4. OM-D EM-10? Aiyoh, that clarity is just like....aaaah!

  5. Hi Robin,
    Superb images and love the mosquito on the parrot's head. Wow!!
    My guess is one of the new OM D which is an upgrade version of OM D E-M5. Whatever it is, it produced excellent images which is very tempting except my heart had been tuned to E-M1. Unless something better is uncover in your next blog. BTW my Finance Minister had approved my purchase requisition. Now just waiting to off load my Nikon set. (Psst my brother in-law really do not like my move and he is a Canon shooter.)
    Looking forward to your blog on this amazing new photography's tool.
    May you have a great Sunday.
    God bless us.
    John Ragai

    1. Hey John, no worries. Whichever gear we use, the most important thing is we enjoy shooting and make the best of what we have. Both E-M5 and E-M1 are great cameras.

  6. Whatever it is, I am impressed by its output! The sharp detail and gorgeous rendition of the images on my screen is fantastic!

    1. Thanks Kim. The images were better than expected

  7. One or two more days for me to push out the blog entry. Stay tuned guys!!

  8. I'm hoping for the 40 - 150 f2.5 =D

    1. The photos show a fairly natural perspective. I don't think it's a 40-150 unless the 40mm end has very close focusing. That would be nice from a telephoto lens

  9. You're killing me! This series made my day so much better. I woke after a nightmare about me having wrongly picked an OM-D instead of going Nikon full frame. This series showed me that my nightmare was just that: A nightmare. These images are fantastic!

    1. and they are not Micro Four Thirds, i bet! it´s a compact!!

    2. Geir, what a nightmare you have!

      Sven, I think you are on to something there.

  10. My guess would be the new pro lens long zoom plus em-1 or em-5

  11. Replies
    1. I can immediately say wrong answer to this one haha

  12. Replies
    1. Hmmmm, this is the first guess for 12-40mm lens.

  13. I would guess the E-M10 w/ the 25mm f/1.8? :)

    1. first mention of the 25mm F1.8!

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    3. Robin must have been veeery close to the birds with a 25mm lens. And I doubt it's a Stylus. Great shots!

  14. I would give it a 10 on the OMD scale.


  15. I would have to guess the Stylus 1 since there are so many photos of birds. How I wish I could say excitedly it is the rumoured entry OM-D with the rumoured 50mm f1.8 but I doubt you would reveal that so soon even if you got access to it (you went to Japan recently after all).
    You are again setting new height for what we can expect from an Olympus.

    1. there are a lot more photos than just birds! But of course shooting birds does suggest something very important about the camera I was shooting with. Good observation!

  16. I would have to guess the Stylus 1 since there are so many photos of birds. How I wish I could say excitedly it is the rumoured entry OM-D with the rumoured 50mm f1.8 but I doubt you would reveal that so soon even if you got access to it (you went to Japan recently after all).
    You are again setting new height for what we can expect from an Olympus.

    1. Thanks for the kind words! Will be blogging really soon about the review.

  17. Great photos. Of course the photographer is the most important element in such images. Is there any logic behind Olympus's camera numbering? First we had E-M5, then E-M1, now (maybe) E-M10...

    1. Yes there is perfect logic. You will find out soon.

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  19. EM-10 with 25mm panaleica MFT ?

    1. Panaleica is surely out of the question! But glad that someone is putting an F1.4 into the equation.

  20. Any chance it's a full frame Olympus? ;)
    Kidding :D
    It should be E-M10

  21. wow the colours are so VIVID

    1. Yeah the output from this session seemed "punchier" than usual.

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  23. If it is the Stylus 1 then I'm placing an order right now! That camera looks to be 'bout near perfect as far as a compact goes, but I don't know about such shallow d.o.f. with a small sensor, so... if this is the new OM-D and there is logic in Olympus' model numbers, maybe we're looking at an E-M5n. :)

    Lens wise I reckon these all show some form of telephoto compression, so maybe it's the 40-150/2.8. But that's only due out in the second half of the year which draws me back to the Stylus.

  24. I'd have to guess the Stylus 1. The E-M5 was the first too bring mft into professional space. The E-M1 was the camera that united the Zuiko Digital and M.Zuiko Digital lense ranges (and in the darkness, bind them). Unless mft sensor technology took a huge leap forward, I'll stick with the Stylus 1 as my guess.

  25. I guess it's the E-M10 and the 60/2.8 macro lens.

  26. Very nice shots!
    I also bet on the E-M10 + Oly 40-150 f2.8
    When are you planning on posting the full review?
    Will it be a camera review or camera + lens review ?
    Thanks :-)

    1. Very very soon. I am busy with some errands to run but after that I will divert all my energy to this post

  27. Since the Stylus One is already out on dealer's shelves so I wouldn't think it will be the time for the Stylus One review. You should have done the Stylus One review last month. The rumors has the E-M10 being announced this month. Either just before CES or CP+, so a blog of E-M10 photos in a few days is likely and expected. The lens is another question. The images looks like a longer and faster lens. So I will guess the 40-150 f2.8. Hopefully if it is that lens I hope this means we will get to buy it before the second quarter of 2014.
    Anyhow, wonderful series if photos and I am looking forward to the actual blog review.

    1. Thanks. Working on the actual review now. Give me a bit of time. Writing review takes a lot more time than people think!

  28. I'm guessing the XZ-3. It's about time we had an update to that.

  29. You are talking about a camera...
    My guess, and hope... Stylus 1

  30. It definitely looks like a telephoto zoom with a short minimum focusing distance, so I know that it's not a ZD 50-200mm lens on a micro Four-Thirds body.

    I'd guess that it's an E-PM3 with a 40-150mm f/2.8 lens but I'm sure I'm wrong..about everything, since I usually am wrong. :-D

    1. Oh dear don't beat yourself up that like. It is just a guessing game and no one gets hurt. No worries. Answers coming very soon

    2. It worked out just fine, since I was wrong and it wasn't an E-PM3, sadly. :-D

      I asked Nikon today what happened to the D400 and D7200. :-D

  31. for sure it's not the stylus.
    If it was, Robin would say it, and it's already on the market.
    If Robin ask what camera it is, it's because it's a new one. Is it that hard to understand ?

  32. Hi Robin, greetings from Jakarta! I'll take a wild guess here. But since you said "...which camera and lens combination..." in the opening, and the relatively shallow DoF, I'd say these were taken by the-soon-to-be-announced OM-D E-M10 and the mZD 40-150/2.8 PRO Lens.

  33. I hope the lens is a 25mm Oly in some shots. Very curious about that lens. I like the panasonic 25, but the noise of the lens puts me off.

    1. Agreed. The chattersound on the 25mm Panasonic can get annoying.

  34. Judging by the large amount of BOKEH on the first photo it definitely can't be the Stylus-1. Has to be OM-D E-M10 with 40-150mm @ 150mm F2.8 or 75mm F1.8.

    1. It is definitely the Stylus 1. In fact the Stylus 1 is quite capable of bokeh, especially at 300mm equiv.
      However, the main reason I think it is the Stylus 1, is because of the quality of the bokeh, if you look at the first pic, you can easily see in the corners the "cat eyes" bokeh rings, which I have never seen on the 75mm f1.8 for example :) And for this reason I don't think it is any of the Pro lenses either.
      Just my opinion.

      Nevertheless, awesome pictures and great camera!
      Looking forward for the review. And belated congratulations on your new job!!! :)

  35. The E-PL6 has already come out as a Japan exclusive... minor tweaks and I think differnet colour options.

    Find it hard to believe it's the Stylus 1 (but I hope so as I have one on the way from a competition).

    I'm thinking the E-M10 with a possible fixed telephoto 100mm 2.0 or the forthcoming 40-150mm 2.8. As much as I love Olympus they need to sort out the supply of the current models before making more new ones.

    Here's hoping Robin can tell us in the next few days after a CES announcement :)

    1. Soon, sooner than expected. Working on the review now.

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  37. EM10 + 40-150 f2.8 is my guess. The DoF is too shallow to be a compact. But the first photo displayed some odd bokeh.. the blurred lights are not completely round or displayed any circular shape.

    1. Hey Calex! The clue is in the bokeh actually, as you have observed how odd it was!

    2. Exactly why I think it is the Stylus 1 :)

  38. Good thing I went out shoot with u yesterday and I know what camera u r using! :P

  39. Only one question. Will I regret my brand new super cool EM-1 purchase?

    1. Of course not! E-M1 will always be an awesome camera

  40. Since the EM-1 is still new. Maybe It EM-1 with the new 40-150 2.8

  41. Nice photos, whatever you're using! I agree with the others above about it seeming unlikely that a small Stylus sensor could produce those results. I'm hoping it is the rumored to be forthcoming EM10 and 40-150 2.8, or a new weather sealed PEN with built in, left side EVF ;)

    1. Weather sealed PEN! That is new!

    2. The weather sealed, freeze and shock proof PEN is indeed new. But only available in my head! Hey OLYMPUS: please make one! :)

  42. it is impossible that it is Stylus 1. I saw the pictures of Stylus 1 in flirck. They are all worse than those above.

  43. But Robin Wong had never reviewed a un-released camera before. right?

    This time Olympus gave him the priority to review a unpublished new camera?

    1. Yes, I have never reviewed an un-released camera before!

  44. Whatever the camera and lens combo is, those are great shots Robin! If I had to guess I'd say EM-10 with either the 40-150mm f2.8 or the new Pro telephoto lens that hasn't been disclosed yet. Given the DOF & bokeh I'd be surprised if it's the Stylus 1. Looking forward to your review - whatever it is!

    1. Working on the review. Hope it will give some surprises.

  45. Great shots! I think it came from E-M10. Such a nice innovation.

  46. The bird's shots has suggest something about fast AF-C + fast long focal lens.So i bet that's the new omd with new AF system + something like OM 100mm f2.:-)

  47. The bird's shots has suggest something about fast AF-C + fast long focal lens.So i bet that's the new omd with new AF system + something like OM 100mm f2.:-)

  48. Hmmm. Whatever camera/lens combo it is, it is a very good combination. Maybe a new Oly compact/superzoom? The optics are superb, that's for sure. Spectacular pictures, Robin. The parrots (one with the insect on top) are real stunners.

  49. Those are wonderful images and you certainly have more than whetted my apatite (not for the food only!) I really hope it is the 40-150 as it looks as sharp as the 75 f1.8 and I wish it was out now coz it is cheaper in Malaysia than UK and I'm just finishing off 3 weeks in Malaysia/Singapore.

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  51. My guess it is 75mm 1.8 lens on EM-10. The wait is killing me pl let us know which camera it is.
    By the way what are the spec of EM10....

  52. Replies
    1. More people guessing 75mm! Expectation is very high

  53. Xpectacular detail! If this is a preview of the EM5 successor, I'd like to see samples in low light... If (and that is a big maybe) Olympus is going all out with a full frame to compete against the A7/r, then I would rush order it now.

    1. Full Frame! That is something that I must immediately say no.

  54. I've seen the de blurred picture, so I know what it is. :)

    1. Oh what de blurred picture are we talking about now?

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  56. Do you want me to post the link? :)

  57. Macro + Tele + Colors slamming + great photographer = 1 Stylus

  58. Wow despite almost no leak on this product, so many people are hoping for the new entry OM-D. I gotta admit I'm one of them.

  59. Stylus 1 + TCON 17X tele converter.

  60. Maybe it is the silver em1 with the 40-150!

  61. Brilliant images, can't wait to read the full review.

    Can I ask what you do to prepare your images for viewing on screen; I'm always impressed with the quality of yours?

    Paul :-)

  62. Guys, the review has been published! Stop guessing!
