1. Ha! When I read the title I thought this would be one of your picture sets of a nice dinner at a local restaurant - imagine my surprise :-)

  2. Carry out! Someone is ambitious to take on prey bigger than she.

  3. Hi Robin,
    Heavy meal is good but not for me. Love the sense of foating in mid-air.
    May you have a great weekend.
    John Ragai

  4. Great shot... but I'd prefer a different dinner myself ;-)


  5. Great shot. Can this be done with the EM1?

    By the way, when is the Stylus 1 camera coming out in Malaysia. Tried it in Melbourne, Australia. I was very tempted to buy it there as it is selling for AUD650. If one is a tourist, one can even reclaim the 10% GST at the airport. Should have done that. It is probably the best compact camera for travel photography and street portraits.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hi Robin, Great shot!

    Glad to see that you still have your E-5 (thought you sold it) and your beloved 50mm F2. Do you still have the EXIF data for this one? what was the shutterspeed/flash? Pretty fast to have blacked out the background....

    Best regards from snowy HamburgerLand....
