PENTAX Is Weird, And I Like It!

Pentax has been making the quirkiest cameras ever and I love them for that. From their super fun, colorful miniature Pentax Q system to the misunderstood K-01 with unconventional design, Pentax does not care about mainstream trends, and they have always done things their own way. I applaud them for staying true to their own style and not give in to market pressure. While everyone is chasing the latest technology, outdoing each other with AI Deep Learning AF tracking, and pushing

Olympus C-8080 - This Camera Was Ahead Of Its Time!

Olympus C-8080 was launched almost 20 years ago, but this camera shows that Olympus clearly knew what they were doing, it has some futuristic features that are commonplace in today's modern digital cameras. For example, the C-8080 features electronic viewfinder with live exposure simulation, basically the same what you see is what you get preview in modern EVF, and they already implemented this in 2004! The camera also has tilt LCD screen, which is convenient for low and high angle shooting,

Testing The Intelligent Subject Detection AF for Birds on OM System OM-1

Everyone is raving about how great the deep learning intelligent subject detection for birds in OM System OM-1 camera, so I thought it would be fun to give it a try. I brought the OM-1 and M.Zuiko 40-150mm R lens to the Kuala Lumpur Bird Park, and I intended to do a POV video demonstrating my experience using the bird detection AF. However, the external HDMI recorder failed on me during shoot. Not giving up, I decided to do things the

Old Compact Camera For Street Photography

I have been using older compact cameras for my street shooting lately. I believe there are some benefits to this - the older camera costs lower, so you have less concern of being robbed while roaming at less than safe areas in the neighbourhood. Not having to look over your shoulder all the time is a huge plus, compared to using a 3000 dollars setup, and even if you did bump into trouble, the camera costs almost nothing! Older cameras also

Weekend Escape To Malacca

My timetable has been quite full lately, filled with shoots (paid jobs) and also making YouTube content ahead of time so I can have a planned 2 week break in April, well, starting now. I need a break, I think we all need a break. There was the recent OM-1 AF drama which I shall not get into too much details here, and a few other things in real life I have to deal with, nothing "end of the world" kind

Should I Switch To Sony Full Frame Mirrorless?

On the new year's eve (yes, it has been a while ago) I had an early morning photowalk with my friends who happen to be some of the best professional photographers in Malaysia. Andrew Chow, Jon Low and Eric Ooi all have switched to Sony full frame mirrorless at different stages of their career. I took this opportunity to ask them some questions: what made them switch to Sony from their previous system, what are their experiences using Sony as their