Olympus Macro Converter: MCON-P02

I think I should do a dedicated review on this new Macro Converter from Olympus, the MCON-P02 which fits nicely to whichever lens that has 37mm or 46mm diameter filter threads. Initial tests show very promising results. 

MCON-P02 attached to 45mm F1.8, shot on OM-D E-M5. F2.8 at ISO2,500


  1. being a fan of your blog, what's the price of the macro converter cause i was planning to get a macro lens recently b4 and luckily i saw your blog that this gem is available. thanks and love your works.

  2. I had the opportunity to test the convert, and i was really surprised (especially in comparison to the old one). In Germany the price is about 69 Euros, so i think it shouldn't be much more than that in USD.
    I will get the Converter soon, before i later go buying the 60mm Macro.

  3. Axel Krueger, which lens are you attaching on the convert? how does it compare with the oly 60mm f2.8 macro? thanks.

  4. I've always been surprised by these clip-on convertors. I had one each, for the IS-20DLX and the C-2500L, as teleconverters and they did a great job, as long as you worked within the recommendations Olympus wrote.

  5. Hi Robin!

    Please more pictures with the converter.
    Great pictures!

  6. looks great as always. How come the cat never freaked?

  7. I am astonished to realize the quality of this macro converter! Please visit me on Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/knriise/

  8. hi robin, since this lens adapter affects the magnification of the lens used with it, does that also mean that it increases the effective focal length? if yes, by how much do you think or see? :) thanks!

  9. Good shot. I have a similar experience using the same gear as Mr Robin Wong. See my picture. https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/t31.0-8/10945869_988510527844435_6859447975502717368_o.jpg

  10. I'm coming in way late to the game here, but I just purchased this, using it with the Panasonic 42.5 1.7 for food photography, and it's just absolutely top-notch.

    No complaints about it whatso ever.
