Why Black and White Over Color?

We often look for that perfect light hitting our subjects, hoping for the best scene setup hence getting that beautifully lit photograph. Unfortunately, shooting outside on the streets in real life conditions, we do have to deal with unfavourable lighting most of the time. Sometimes, the lighting is so bad that no matter how good the subject is, it was just not worth shooting.  I encountered such situations from time to time, I do admit often I just walked away.

Lens of the Day: M.Zuiko 25mm F1.8

It is no secret that the new Olympus M.Zuiko 25mm F1.8 (BLACK!!) has become my favourite lens, and will be the one I use most. I love it so much that for today's shutter therapy session I have left every other lenses behind, and only had one lens on the OM-D E-M5. Did I wish I have the other lenses with me when I was shooting on the streets? Nope, the 25mm perspective was good enough to cover everything that

Simplicity or Layers?

Coming from an engineering background my mind is often rigid framed and that affects my ability to compose my subjects when I am shooting. One singular rule that I have been adhering to all this time is: one subject and one background (good subject and good background of course). Nevertheless, great photographs rarely contain only one subject, in fact many interesting photographs are derived from the interaction of multiple characters within one frame, and their successful relationship with the chosen

Olympus Workshop and Photo Sharing, Happening This SATURDAY!

Beautiful people, if you are in Kuala Lumpur and you are free this Saturday, do come to Olympus Malaysia. There will be two events happening on the same day! Firstly, in the morning, I will be conducting a basic photography workshop, covering the very fundamentals of photography and this brief workshop is especially helpful for those who are very new to photography and wish to master the basics of exposure and camera controls. The workshop also includes complimentary professional lens and

Olympus Photowalk at Petaling Street

Early this morning there was an official Olympus Photowalk in Petaling Street, and I had the privilege to lead the group for some awesome shutter therapy action. You have got to have an Olympus camera to join in the fun, and it was a group of crazy, fun-lover, Olympus fans coming together, attacking the streets of Kuala Lumpur. It was nice to see so many Olympus users being out there making some awesome images happen. If you are in Kuala

What Makes This Image Work?

I have had an idea of selecting a few of my favourite images and then pull out some points on why I think the images work the way they do, and hopefully this sharing can benefit some readers (new-comers to photography) as they find ways to improve in photography. I know I have been randomly doing this for a while but lets just take a closer look at one image, and see what we can find out from this one

MIrrorless Is The Future

I have come from a long background of using DSLR (Olympus E-410, E-520, E-5, Sony A350 and A57) and I can testify that there really is nothing that I miss from my DSLR days, since I have fully converted to mirrorless Micro Four Thirds system now. Gone were the days of carrying huge and heavy camera and lenses, and now we are seeing the new generation camera system that emphasizes on smaller, lighter, yet siimilarly powerful, if not even surpassing

Olympus Macro Converter: MCON-P02

I think I should do a dedicated review on this new Macro Converter from Olympus, the MCON-P02 which fits nicely to whichever lens that has 37mm or 46mm diameter filter threads. Initial tests show very promising results.  MCON-P02 attached to 45mm F1.8, shot on OM-D E-M5. F2.8 at ISO2,500

Messages From My Blog

Side Note: Olympus users at Asia and Oceania regions! If you have not submitted your photographs to the Olympus Asia Oceania GrandPrix, you still have a few days left before the closing date. Stand a chance to win an E-M1! More info here: http://phc.olympus-imaging.com/?lang=en I shoot again and again, and I share my images week after week. There is no end to shutter therapy (lets hope it goes on forever), as I deeply enjoy doing it, and love to share that joy and whatever

Khee Hwa & Ee Ling

I am not exactly a wedding photographer, but I would be lying if I said I have no experience in shooting wedding. I have been taking photography assignment sporadically, mainly to supplement my gear purchase funds (those gear money has got to come from somewhere), and a number of them are wedding shoots. I usually would advice people who ask me to shoot their weddings to hire "real" professional wedding photographers.  Nonetheless, when a friend, Khee Hwa asked me to

Perth Revisit

I have been away from KL for a week, shooting a wedding assignment at Perth, Western Australia. It has been a fruitful trip, the shooting went well, and I did have some spare time for myself to roam around freely. Therefore, short shutter therapy session in Perth happened, and on top of that, I have eaten more awesome Perth food than I should. Special thanks to Khee Hwa and Ee Ling (and families) for hosting me and Fred, providing us