World's Slimmest Lens - Pentax 40mm F2.8 Pancake

Recently I bought the Pentax K-01 which had quite a funky design and the lens that came with it was 40mm F2.8 pancake. I took a closer look at that lens and brought it out for a few more street photography adventures. The lens is incredibly small, being the world's thinnest lens and it is even slimmer than a camera body cap or a lens cap! Initially I thought making the lens this small there must be some compromises, but boy

Use Extension Tubes To Turn Any Lens Into Macro Lens

If you do not intend to splurge on a dedicated macro lens, or you don't do too much macro but want the ability to get closer to your subject and achieve higher magnification, then extension tubes can be a great solution. They are cheap and effective, you can turn any lens into macro lens, even the budget lowly kit lens and you get great results out of this setup. The extension tubes are small, light, easy to store in any bag

Yongnuo 85mm F1.8 Shooting Portraits

It has been a while since I did an arranged portrait shooting session so I called up the amazing Wendy for a spontaneous session. I also have recently acquired the Yongnuo 85mm F1.8 lens for my Canon 5D, mainly for shooting portraits. Since I am quite rusty in these kind of posed, directed portraits, it took me a while to warm up and get some shots that I actually liked. I also made a video to talk about why 85mm focal length

More Nikon D50 Adventures

I have grown to really like the Nikon D50 which I acquired for the price of just a few cups of coffee (not kidding). I have been shooting more street stuff with the D50 and 50mm F1.8 D recently. There really is nothing that crazy about an old camera with measly 6MP count, and ISO capped at 1600, and I used mostly ISO200 for my shots. The 50mm on D50 was extremely limiting, with the 1.5x crop factor I was effectively

Nikon D50 - A 6MP Dinosaur DSLR From 2005

I found a used Nikon D50 for the price of just a few cups of coffee! I got it for a few reasons - firstly, I never owned a Nikon before, so going back right at the beginning seems like the right way to start my journey with Nikon, D50 was one of their first few Digital SLRs, and secondly I have always been curious about D50 or the D70, that was the time I started photography but in my university

Synco G1 A2 Wireless Microphone's Serious Issue & An Afternoon Out With Friends

I have talked about my negative experience with the Synco G1 A2 Wireless Microphone previously (read here) though in that blog article I did not mention which brand and model the microphone was. I am not going to repeat what I have said before in full detail, but the summary is - if a lavalier microphone is attached the Synco G1 will have a severely distorted audio recording. I think this is unacceptable for a product having such significant bug/issue/error/flaw, it