TOTAL LOCKDOWN in Malaysia From 1st June 2021

The government has just announced an hour ago that a total lockdown will be implemented in Malaysia, nationwide, starting 1 June 2021 to combat the rising numbers of Covid-19 cases. We are registering above 8000 new cases daily now. For the sake of staying out of prison, I will refrain myself from commenting on the political issues or questioning the authorities on their decisions concerning the country. In case you do not know, freedom of speech is pretty much dead in

I Bought a $20 Honx Camera Bag And It Is Awesome!

Now that Malaysia is under partial lockdown (or MCO 3.0) and I can't do shutter therapy at all (referring to the previous blog, government officially banning photography), I guess the next best thing to keep myself sane and in good spirit is - RETAIL THERAPY. Nothing beats the thrill of buying something new, stylish and functional for my gear. I bought a Honx shoulder camera bag for USD20 only, and I thought it looks gorgeous and is really functional at the

Malaysia Officially Bans Outdoor Photography

In the updated "SOP" on what is allowed and prohibited during the next tightened Movement Control Order (MCO as the government calls it, or what we locals refer to as semi-lockdown), an interesting item is added in the prohibited list - outdoor photography. I am not here to question the judgement of the officials or challenge the authorities, but this new statement changes things, and I want to discuss it here. I am a photographer that earns a bulk of his

Moon Shot With Olympus M.Zuiko 100-400mm F5-6.3 Lens

I saw the moon outside my room window and I just could not resist the urge to pick up the camera and make some shots. After all the Olympus M.Zuiko 100-400mm F5-6.3 lens which is on loan from OMD World Imaging is still with me. Just within a quick minute, I got the following shot. Everything done hand-held, no tripod, monopod or any extra support needed. The magic of image stabilization, and modern digital imaging technology, you can capture subjects from

Make A Photobook!

I'd highly encourage any photographer to print his work. It can be something you want to hang on the wall if you have the space in your place, or making small prints, like a photobook can be just as rewarding. Viewing photographs on print is an entirely different experience which I want to discuss in this blog entry, as well as how making prints can help you to improve your game in photography. I have also recently made a few photobooks

About Fitness, Body Image And Insecurities

Now that we Malaysians are forced to be stuck at home due to the government's forceful implementation of partial lockdown (Movement Control Order), I have had a lot of time to reflect and look at myself, I mean, seriously look at myself. The other day, after the failed attempt to shoot a self-portrait for Raya greeting, I went ahead and took some fun shots of myself in the process. And it got me thinking about my own small fitness journey and

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri 2021

To all my Muslim friends and blog readers, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri! Maaf Zahir & Batin. Image shot with Olympus OM-D E-M5 Mark III and M.Zuiko 25mm F1.2 PRO on a tripod. I have a funny story. I actually made a last minute shopping for Baju Melayu. Since it is now under lockdown I can't try it on as the fitting room is not accessible. I bought "XL" size, which should fit me, like most of my shirts that I wear. I then set

Mini Dinner Party Before Another Lockdown

In case you have not heard, Malaysia is on another semi-lockdown, or what the government preferred to call it "Movement Control Order" (MCO for short). I am not going to dive much into details, but it is what it is, a miserable, no social activity, no meeting your friends kind of situation. Thankfully, I managed to catch up with quite a few people before this round of semi-lockdown happened. Special thanks to the amazing Jon Low, I was invited to his

Retesting Olympus M.Zuiko 100-400mm F5-6.3 IS Lens In Better Light

I loaned the Olympus M.Zuiko 100-400mm F5-6.3 IS lens from OMD World Imaging (sole distributor for Olympus products in Malaysia) to revisit the lens performance, this time in better lighting conditions. I have done a full review for Olympus 100-400mm lens before (click here) but the sample shots were taken in cloudy weather, and high ISO numbers. I thought that did not do justice to show off what the lens is truly capable of, so this time, I was determined to