The Weekend That Ended with Soba Noodles Served on an Ice Block

The weekend was a rather busy one, with a whole Saturday spent on moving office (yes Olympus Malaysia has shifted our office out from Mon't Kiara to Ascent in Kelana Jaya), and today (Sunday)  we just had a morning Olympus Photowalk which was led by me, at KL Bird Park. Therefore, I had most of my time sucked out and left me with very little opportunity for shutter therapy. I decided to just take it slow with whatever free time

The Malacca Weekend

From my previous blog entry you would know that I spent almost the whole Saturday shooting my friend's wedding. The day after, I told myself if I managed to wake up early and did not feel too exhausted I would pick up the camera and hit the streets in Malacca. I did wake up rather early and felt quite energetic despite the wedding shoot a day before, so I went to Jonker Walk and had a slow, relaxing walk and

Fred & Renee

Frederick is one of my closest friends in life, whom I have known since my college days in Kuching. He got married to the beautiful Renee Lim last weekend, and I was there throughout the ceremony and reception all the way. It was a blessing to be a part of the celebration and I wish Fred & Renee nothing but pure happiness, abundance of love & joy and a life-long prosperity and good health for their journey as a married

My First Street Photography Workshop in Malacca with Craftify Studio!!

Last weekend has been quite an adventurous one for me, as I was conducting a basic street photography workshop in the beautiful, historical city of Malacca. The event was organized and hosted by Craftify Studio, headed by incredible photographer friends CJ Fen and Kenn Wai, both well established wedding photographers in Malacca. I was invited to speak about street photography and conducted a short photowalk for the participants. The Craftify studio was quite a comfortable, homely environment, and I gave

Of Coffee, Oatmeal Cookies and Saharil Hasrin Sanin

I miss the old days of blogging when I can just jumble up a few non-related subjects together to form a blog post title, and still make perfect sense. Those were the days before I even ventured so deeply into photography.  Last weekend, there was the International Kuala Lumpur Book Festival happening at MAEPS, Serdang, and I braved the public transport (LRT --> KTM --> Shuttle Bus) to the event venue, just for two specific reasons: 1) to buy the

The M.Zuiko 60mm F2.8 Macro Weekend

I was itching to shoot some spiders and bugs over the weekend, hence I brought home the M.Zuiko 60mm F2.8 Macro lens from the office. However my insect macro session was cut short as I had some last minute urgent matters to attend to. Not having enough insect macro shots, I decided to just bring along the M.Zuiko 60mm F2.8 macro lens with me throughout the rest of my weekend and I shot anything that I thought would look good

Join me in Backing Up La Noir Image Kickstarter Project

Hey beautiful people! Listen up. A fellow awesome photographer/blogger, Chris Gampat from ThePhoblographer had recently started quite a unique and interesting project called La Noir Image, which is an exclusive documentation of the monochrome lifetyle. Chris has been gathering awe-inspiring black and white images from photographers all around the world, and consolidated the collection of images in the La Noir Image website here. I was fortunate and privileged to be featured as well, you can check out my slot here.  Now, the

Maximizing The Use of Kit Lens: Olympus M.Zuiko 14-42mm F3.5-5.6 EZ

I have written lengthily about Olympus underrated Kit Lens, the M.Zuiko 14-42mm F3.5-5.6 EZ Pancake Zoom lens, and you may read them here and here, if you have not done so. I have heard many times newcomers to photography whine about how useless and crappy the kit lens that comes with their DSLR or Mirrorless System camera, and they immediately dismiss that kit lens, upgrading to better and more expensive pro grade lenses or prime lenses. While I do not deny