1. Hi Robin,

    I have been inspired by your photos. And been reading all your post on this site for a few weeks now.

    I also started my own humble blog hopefully you got a few sec to check it out - http://josephopinion.tumblr.com/

    Thanks again!

    1. Thanks for the kind words Joseph. And surely thanks for sharing your blog. Those are some very fine images!

  2. A fantastic image, Robin .. the contrasts are amazing. Perfect timing. Makes me want to find a similar spot and give it a try!

    1. Thanks Derek for the kind words. Do come to KL to shoot!

  3. hi robin,
    your blog is very inspiring, the way you utilize your tool is superb, i'm still working to know my em-5 character and reading your blog is helping me a lot. one question if you don"t mind. i try the camera setting as you mention on your blog. when i review the picture from camera's screen the with balance is okay but if i open it on my laptop all the picture seems like little yellowish, i have to tweak WB with software. do you experience the same? you have suggestion for this?

    thanks in advance and keep shooting to inspire people like me :)


    1. Dear Pratama,
      Thanks for the kind words. I do not trust the camera screen of the E-M5. I have complained about that in my conclusion page of my E-M5 reviews. I shoot everything in RAW and adjusted accordingly in post processing. However, most of the time, when I use Auto White Balance, I find myself rarely need to adjust anything.

  4. HCB-ish, in my eyes. Excellent shot!
