With A Heavy Heart, I Have Left Olympus

Three and a half years ago, I braved myself to leave an engineering career behind to pursue an entirely different path by joining Olympus Malaysia as a product specialist, a job which is closely related to my passion in photography. Now, I am gathering sufficient courage to exit the company of a brand that I have loved so deeply, to move on and ironically because of a rather similar reason to draw myself closer to my photography passion.

It is time to take the leap. 

I joined Olympus Malaysia in 2013 because I knew that I can contribute positively to the company and the fact that I already know their products inside out, having been using them for many years helped me in my tasks of liaising with photographers, local dealers, members of the media as well as general consumers from all over Malaysia. Adding my genuine staunch belief in the brand and true desire to want to see more people use Micro Four Thirds system, I was confident that I can be a powerful weapon and make a real difference for Olympus. I could not have joined the company at a better time, as it was during the launch of the OM-D E-M1 (first version), which was the beginning of a revolution that propelled mirrorless cameras into the center playing stage, that they can compete head on with DSLR for most shooting scenarios.

While I did enjoy the work I was doing for Olympus, especially the interaction with many interesting people and being able to share my love of photography with them, I have to admit most of the tasks that I was handling as an employee had nothing to do with photography at all. There were countless consumer events (Touch and Try for new products), business meetings with dealers, training sessions with storefront staff, workshops and training for consumers. Almost ALL my weekends were consumed at a time, especially when there were new product launches. In addition to my 8-5 work on weekdays, I did not actually have any weekends.

It is true what they say, if you love what you do, you will not have to work a single day of your life. Here is the deal, I love photography. the whole world knows that, I love being out there with a camera in hand and shoot. Unfortunately for me, time for shooting was almost non-existent for me, and I have my not so frequent blog updates here to prove that. I used to be able to blog at least 2-3 times a week before I joined Olympus. Now, I would be happy if I could manage one blog entry per week! This was in contradiction to my original intention of leaving my engineering career, to be more involved and grow my photography. Honestly, I did not see much personal growth over the past few years. I did not participate in any exhibitions, did not get much photographs published outside of my blog, and no further involvement in the local photography community. Only recently, I joined a group of photographers in Kuching to do a collective photo exhibition, and after that, I knew I needed to be more active and take my photography more seriously. I need to step up to the next level.

Another reason, which is more obvious and predictable, would be the blatant conflict of interest whenever I was reviewing an Olympus product. No matter what I did and tried my best to be impartial, honest and fair, a direct employment under Olympus undermined my credibility as a blogger, photographer and product reviewer. I acknowledge, and deeply appreciate the immense support from all of you to keep inspiring me to continue writing and doing what I love doing, but the truth is, I cannot have it both ways. If I started writing negative things about a product, it would hurt the company, which in turn would hurt my own conscience as well. If I have chosen to keep quiet and lie in my reviews (I have tried my best not to), I will lose respect and validity as a blogger, then what was the point of blogging in the first place? The only obvious choice, was to leave.

What is next for me?

What I can assure you, is that I will continue shooting, doing my shutter therapy sessions, sharing fresh photographs and blogging on. However, there will be a HUGE significant change, happening very, very soon. I am extremely excited about this new project, which I am working closely with a friend, and everything will be revealed. You have all stayed with me all this time, and I am sure you will like this new direction I am taking in my blogging and photography ventures. I seriously can't wait!

Olympus will always have a special place in my heart. I am still currently using Olympus as my main gear for shooting. Leaving Olympus was not an easy decision but surely the right one for me, to further grow myself in photography without restrictions of being tied to a camera brand, and focus more on my own shooting.

I want to thank you all for being here with me all this time, all your kind words of encouragement and show of support have brought me so far and I am not where I am today without your help.

What do I want to do right now, go out and have a great shutter therapy session of course!


  1. Wishing you the best in your career change, Robin. It was your blog post/review that inspired me to take the leap from point & shoot and buy my first M43, om-d em-10 mII and the f2 12mm lense. I look forward to your future posts and photos!

    1. Hey Lisa,
      Thanks for the well wishes, appreciate much. The E-M10 Mark II and 12mm F2 make a great combo!

  2. All the best, Robin.I must thank you, though, for what I truly to believe to have been as objective as possible reviews on Olympus gear. Your straight on reporting certainly had an influence on my purchase of my current new Oly camera and lenses (EM5 MKII, 14-150 weatherproof zom, 17mm, 25mm, and 45mm lenses). This was one of the best camera investments I have ever made, just short of my original OM1, which I still own after 33 years. Your cheatsheets for the OM-D have proved to be invaluable. Again, thank you so much for all your efforts.

    1. Thanks so much for believing in me and visiting this blog, Howard. I tried my best to be fair for my reviews. Glad that you have found them useful, and enjoy the OM-D system!

  3. Good for you, Robin! I'm excited that you'll continue to allow us to follow you on your journey.

  4. I think your blog is really good and also that you have been very impartial regarding Olympus products.
    I'm not an Olympus shooter, but enjoy your images so much that I visit your blog at least once a week.
    The best of luck for the future 😉

    1. Hey Anders, Thanks so much for the support, and constant visits! Appreciate that a lot.

  5. Whatever the reasons are, I know none of them are easy choices. So, all the best with your new journey.. I'll definitely be one of your loyal reader n silent supporter.. cheers...

    1. Agreed, most important decisions are hard choices to make. Thanks for the support, and glad that you are visiting!

  6. I wish you all the best Robin. Looking forward to your next adventure. And please, more frequent update! ;)

    1. Thanks Leonarce, and yes, more frequent updates would be very nice indeed.

  7. All the best in your new project Robin!!! Dont keep us waiting very long )) . First time i give a comment in your blog, but i am a loyal reader since years ago! Greetings from Barcelona (a good place for your shutter therapy). Ramon

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Will definitely not be a long wait at all. Thanks for the comment, really appreciate it, Ramon.

  8. Do whatever you have to do to get a lucky and satisfied life! I will wait for your next shutter therapy blog, whatever you will do in the future.

    1. Hey Reinhard, thanks so much for the kind wishes, and will do my best to live a good life!

  9. All the best to you and looking forward to your "NEW PROJECT". Your blog help me make the correct decision by getting EPL-7, altho its not a big deal camera, but the fact your review is more towards USER perspective instead of all these technical things, really gave a lot of information and insight to common user such as me.
    Really enjoy your blog and I hope your decision to severe your employment with Olympus will not stop you from reviewing Olympus products in future.

    Look forward to NEW things from you and be happy :D

    1. My relationship with Olympus is still going strong, so no reason not to review future products. Thanks for the show of support, and the New Project will happen very soon. Working very hard on that.

  10. Hey Robin, wish you the best for your upcoming project, and I know you will do well. Thank you for your blogs and reviews and allowing us to join you on your shutter therapy sessions, and picking your brain. Thank you for sharing your expertise and ideas during the sessions. For the record, your credibility was never under question. I do hope I can come some day to KL and we can walk around the Pudu wet market once again.
    Please take care and wish you the best.

    1. Hey Dr Rahul,
      We miss you here already, please do come visit soon! Thanks for the kind support and always believing in me.

  11. Robin,
    Your posts weres always inspiring and I am quite sure they will be in the future. I'll keep on reading and all the best for your new project!

    1. Thanks for the support, and yes, please do keep reading! Appreciate that a lot.

  12. Robin,
    Your posts weres always inspiring and I am quite sure they will be in the future. I'll keep on reading and all the best for your new project!

    1. Thanks for the kind words, Habakuk! Will continue to do my best here.

  13. Robin,
    Wishing you all the best in your coming endeavour. Keep shooting & writing and do what will set you free and happy.

  14. It's been an inspiration reading your blog; your passion is contagious. Wishing you Godspeed in your new life journeys. Sincere thanks, from deep in the heart of Texas.

    1. Hey eJohn,
      Thanks for visiting, and show of support! Will do my best to keep the passion of photography and blogging alive.

  15. Robin good luck with your new path, lifes a journey, enjoy.
    Look forward to your announcement of what is happening.

    1. Thanks Alan. The announcement will happen very, very soon.

  16. Your blog is a real source of inspiration for me and you surely contributed in my move from Canon to Olympus. Now I am very happy to take lighter gear and, above all, pro lenses with me. Thanx for your commitment and reviews. All the best for the future!

    1. Hey Christophe, thanks for writing and glad to hear that you are enjoying the Olympus system! Shall do my best to keep blogging and shooting!

  17. That must have been a tough nut to crack. I can't wait to hear what it is you've chosen to do. I hope it involves a LOT of photography, because I love looking at your pictures.
    However, I do believe you've grown the last couple of years, so there's that.

    Greetings from Amsterdam and terimah kasih.

    1. Hey Cathelijne,
      Surely, lots and lots of photography will be involved, that I have to lock down, no questions asked. I think we all grow and improve over the years, however, I am just not where I want to be, at least not there yet, Not even close! So I have to keep pushing myself and get better.

  18. The world turns, nothing is forever. Good fortune and Good luck for the future.

    1. hey Ananda!!!
      When are you coming back to KL, do I have to wait till CNY? Man, long long chats awaits!

  19. Robin, I am excited for you and can't wait to learn about your next endeavor! You have been the singlemost important teacher to me as I have delved into photography with my Olympus system. I go back to your posts all the time and study your techniques, settings and lens choices. Thank you!

    1. Thanks for the comment, and I am glad I am able to contribute even a small part, to someone else about photography. Thanks for the well wishes, and I shall do my best!

  20. Thanks for your inspiration while you have worked for Olympus. I feel sure you will carry on with many more excellent photos and even more inspiration. I have always been very impressed with your ability to turn out great photos with the variety of tools you do. Good luck on your new venture. I look forward to following along and enjoying your future work as much as I have you current and past work.

    1. Thanks for the kind comment, Douglas, appreciate it a lot. I think my photography is quite straightforward, and in some ways, simplistic, so it does not require sophisticated tools to get the job done. Will surely do my best in the coming project.

  21. Thank you for sharing, BEST! of luck with your new adventure.
    I'm looking forward to seeing more of your work (passion) in the future.
    You have been a great help and inspiration with my favorite hobby.
    Thanks, Dennis

    1. Hey Dennis,
      Thanks for the kind comments, and will do my best for the next project. Glad that I could do a small part to inspire photography and please do keep shooting!

  22. Robin, you were one of the best sources of information when I was first trying to decide on buying a new camera. I had never transitioned to a good digital camera from my SLR and was only using a point and shoot. I wound up buying an EM-10 and later an EM-5 II. Especially helpful was your OM-D camera settings cheat sheet which was invaluable to get me started and your lens reviews also helped me make several decions. I wish you the best of luck in your new endeavors.

    1. Hey Rich,
      Thanks for writing and I appreciate your kind support! I am glad to know that my blog here has helped you in your decision making to move to Micro Four Thirds and I am sure you are making wonderful images with the OM-D!

  23. Best of luck for your new venture Robin.

    I always look forward to your blog entries and have always valued your honest reviews.

    Keep being yourself and look forward to hearing details of your new career direction.

    1. Hey Martin,
      Thanks so much for the kind words, and yes the most important thing for me, is to stay true to myself. That will not change.

  24. The Bright Side is The blog Continues...
    I think that is more important...

    More power and all the best...

    1. Thanks Robert for being there always. Coffee on me next round.

  25. Here's wishing you all the best in your new adventure!

    I have greatly enjoyed following your blog and hope that you will continue to share your thoughts with us.

    1. Thanks Richard. Yes the blog continues, and I shall do my best to make it awesome again.

  26. All the best for the Future. can not wait so see more Blog posts of you. what ever makes you happy you should do and follow your way. Have fun!!!

  27. As you go through life, you have to live it on your own terms. Leaving Olympus could not have been an easy thing for you to do, and the road ahead may not be as safe or as predictable as the road behind you. But it's the road you chose to travel, and that makes it the right road for you. Good luck!

    1. Hey Bob,
      I sure hope it is the right road, and I hope things will go well. Thanks for the kind words and good wishes.

  28. You only have one life Robin. Enjoy it yourself in your new career and live it to the full. I look forward to your future posts. Keep it up😀

  29. Yeeay more blog posts, shutter Therapy sessions and more tips from you Robin.. Thanks for your guidance.. Till our next shutter Therapy session..

    1. Thanks Van for being there for me. Shall see you and the gang soon.

  30. I have really enjoyed, been inspired and learned a lot from your posts over the last few years,thank you,congratulations and all the best for your new venture which I am sure that I will equally enjoy following in to the future.

    1. Thanks for the comment, appreciate i, and surely will do my best for the coming new project!

  31. Best wishes for your future endeavours, Robin. I've enjoyed reading your blog as a long time Olympus user since the OM-2. Having recently made a major change in my life, I know how difficult these decision can be, so I hope yours is rewarding for you.

    1. Wow, that is a long, long time, since OM-2! I shall do my best with the coming new project, and yes, change is often necessary, but not easy.

  32. Good luck Robin! I really appreciate your decision. And I didn't understand why you aren't an olympus ambassador.

    1. Hey Gianluca,
      I am not exactly qualified to be an ambassador, since I have been an employee with Olympus. Nonetheless, I shall continue blogging and shooting, and I think that matters.

  33. Wish you all the best Robin. I always like to read your blog about Shutter Therapy sessions as well as your very honest reviews!
    Rob Zuierveld.

    1. Hey Rob,
      Thanks for writing and thanks for the kind wishes. Shutter therapy continues of course.

  34. Thnak you so much for all your articles and reviews about olympus gear in these years, and good luck fro your next project!

  35. Very exciting news. Can't wait to see what you do next!

  36. I have been following you for a while, Robin, and I wondered when the pull to independence would be too much to resist. I wish you all the very best in your journey, both professional and personal, and I look forward to seeing what you will blog next.

    Ron Braithwaite
    Portland, Oregon

    1. Thanks for following, Ron, appreciate that. I guess, at some point, associating with a brand will not be beneficial for personal and professional growth, as a photographer.

  37. Your blogs were an inspiration to me to pursue the M4/3 cameras, especially Olympus. From the EPL1-3-5 and finally to the EM10 MK 1. Been a learning process.....will be watching for your new blog posts.

    1. Thanks for the kind words, and thanks for visiting my blog. Will continue to blog on.

  38. Hi Robin,
    Have been following your blog - and magnificent photos - for years. In your enthusiasm and honesty, you much remind me of Yoshihisa Maitan, the magificent, visionary Olympus engineer who gave us the OM-1 (on which I learned photography, starting in 1973). Like you, he was first of all, an enthusiastic photographer. Your difficult position is easy to understand (we have a daughter who is a starting lawyer and has similar hours to the ones you had to work). Olympus seems to be a really stretched company as it fights to survive, and extend the brilliant niche they established for themselves. They did seem to try to give you some freedom, but obviously it was a very difficult position for you to be in.

    Do hope that everything is fine for you and your close ones, economically and professionally as you go on, and much look forward to more of your pictures and honest commentary, especially on Olympus and also other Four Thirds cameras and lenses.

    1. Thanks for the kind words, erichK, and to be reminded of Maitani the legend, I am flattered beyond belief, but I must reassure myself I do deserve such honor, maybe not yet.
      Thanks for believing in me and thanks for the support. I shall do my best to keep the passion burning and alive.

  39. I just wanted to send you my heartfelt thanks and appreciation for all your wonderful blogs over the years with your marvellous inspiring photography and really helpful information and advice.
    You are truly an inspiration to follow your passion and your dreams, and to find artistic expression and fulfilment through photography, and you helped me find my Shutter Therapy too.
    I respect your honesty and integrity, and can't wait to see what the next chapter in your photographic life will be, for which I wish you every Good Luck, with much success and enjoyment.

    1. Hey Christine,
      Thanks so much for believing in me, and I appreciate the kind comments. I am glad I have helped you find your shutter therapy too, and I strongly believe that photography should be fun and enjoyable, by anyone!

  40. Robert I always enjoy your positive and jovial spirit . . . Now I hope you can give your all to photography (even though you'll still need a job for your daily bread. . . God bless you!

  41. Thanks for the kind words, Alex. Sharing and doing what I can here, and will continue to fight on!

  42. Hey Pawel, thanks for the kind words but that is not true, I can use olympus well because I have used the same system for many years. Knowing your gear is extremely crucial!

  43. As a regular reader I sincerely wish you well in whatever you do and hope you make sufficient time for your 'hobby' in the future.
    Good luck Robin, I feel sure you'll find something.
    Keep us informed please?
    Dave P

    1. Hey Dave, thanks for the well wishes! Shall keep you all posted, that is for sure.

  44. I wish you all the best for your new job ! Your blog is very inspiring for me, and you helped me in the choice of the three Olympus cameras I already bought (E-PL1, E-PL5 and OMD-EM10 mark 2). I look forward to know your project, and to see new entries in your blog.

    1. Thanks sebF! Blog has just been updated, and new project is coming real soon. Stay tuned.

  45. Wish you the best Robin!!!Really admire your courage.

  46. Hi Robin. I always enjoy reading your blog and seeing your super photographs and thank you for helping me to choose Olympus m43 cameras. I started with an EM10 and now have an EM1 and they are great cameras. Good luck on your new path and I look forward to reading about it soon. Best wishes from the UK. Lorraine

    1. Hey Lorraine,
      Thanks for the kind words, and glad that you are using the amazing E-M1! Keep shooting and making awesome photos in the UK.

  47. Hi Robin. I concur with all the comments so far on your abilities as a photographer, reviewer and blogger. I would like to add that you have two qualities that make you stand out from other online bloggers: you have a genuine warmth and humanity and you also promote photography as a joyful pastime. Good luck in your new venture and, please, keep sharing your passion for photography.

    1. Hey Nigel,
      Thanks for the generous compliments, and you are certainly being too kind. I believe photography is a very human activity, and we should all enjoy and share the joy of photography!

  48. Robin- I always look forward to reading your blogs and have gained lots of insight & enjoyment. I have truly enjoyed your recent blogs on making use of camera phones - may be the only way I can afford a Leica !Good luck in your future.

    1. Hey Graham,
      Thanks for the kind words, really appreciate them. Using smartphone cameras allow me to go to the basics, and work harder to achieve the results that I wanted. It keeps my perspective fresh, and it also gets me to use wide angle lens which I seldom use.

  49. Ty for sharing and allowing us to follow your journey. Best wishes and we will continue to enjoy what you share.

    1. Hey Adam,
      My pleasure to write and share what I can here, and it is I who should be thanking you all for coming here and read!

  50. Robin, all the best to you in your new endeavors. Your blog has been the best place to get a thorough and objective review of Olympus gear -- as well as a great example of what the gear is capable of producing in the hands of a very good photographer! Your images have always inspired me, and I am sure they will in the future as well.

    God Bless,

    1. Hi Greg,
      Thanks for supporting this blog and thanks for the kind words, I do appreciate them! I shall do my best in shooting and sharing my photos!

  51. Hey Robin,
    This makes whole sense. You are great inspiration. Good luck..! Expecting more from you.

    1. Hey Kiran,
      Thanks so much for understanding and surely, more will come!

  52. Robin, I have always felt that you were more effective as a non-employee of Olympus although I have always firmly believed that you had always been truthful and unbiased with your reviews. Really, you could have just let your pictures do the talking and said nothing!

    Good luck in your new endeavor and I hope you will continue to review Olympus cameras and lenses .... and Panasonic-Leica lenses too! ;-)

    1. Hey Bobby,
      Thanks for the kind words, and I did try my best to be truthful and be myself, when I do my reviews.
      Oh yes, some Panasonic lenses are in my to-do list. Stay tuned!

  53. Do what makes you happy and everything will come into place. Good luck on your adventure mate. Can't wait to see it in your next/future blog.

    Eric V
    Edmonton Alberta Canada

    PS: Always a big fan of your work whatever gear you use

    1. Thanks Eric for the show of faith, and I shall do my best!

  54. Robin, it was your blog posts that led me into the m43 world and why I purchased the E-M5 Mark ll. In addition your reviews played an important part in my lens selection. Thanks for your famous Cheat Sheet as it saved me many hours and accelerated my learning curve with the Olympus menus.

    I will look forward to your future Shutter Therapy posts. As many others have stated your images truly inspired me and I wish you only the very best in the future!

    1. Hi Robert,
      Thanks so much for the kind words, and I am very glad you have found the cheat sheet useful! There will be many, many more shutter therapy sessions and I can't wait to share the photos with all of you here.

  55. Robin-I really enjoyed and learned from your time at Olympus--thanks.Your writing style is warm yet dynamic.I wish you much success and lots of shooting in your adventure.

    1. Thanks for visiting and thanks for the support to the blog. And yes, I shall do my best for the blog!

  56. All the best for Robin ! who inspired so many to stick to Olympus system and proud of it.

  57. Congratulations for this very difficult but wise move! I wish you a lot of energy, patience and courage for continuing what you started! Cheer Andy

    1. Hey Andy, thanks for the kind words, and thanks for understanding. I shall continue to be myself and do my best shooting and sharing!

  58. Nothing against Olympus. I thought you would leave Olympus sooner. :-) Tough decisions for sure but good move. Best wishes in your next venture/adventures.

    1. For what it was worth, I did enjoy my time and learned a lot of things working with Olympus. Nonetheless, tough decisions need to be made and I am glad I have made the move.

  59. I just wanted to join the other voices here thanking you for your inspiring work and supremely helpful insights. Yours is the only blog I follow. :) I wish you great joy and many blessings in this next phase of your life and career!

    1. Hey James,
      Thanks so much for the kind words, and thanks for following my humble blog. I shall do my best for the future and keep more photos posted here soon.

  60. Continue to monitor this blog, although I am switched to Fuji. But you got me curious. Am curious about what your next step is. .. Wish you good luck and good light!

    1. Thanks so much for staying with me, and I do think Fuji is doing some interesting stuff lately. My new project will be revealed soon, so stay tnued!

  61. Robin, You've been an inspiration to me and that's why I have an EM1 and an EM10 mk II. So glad you enjoyed your visit to where I live, South Africa. Wishing you all the very best in your new venture.

    1. Hi Mr T,
      I miss South Africa, so so much! I must save up and visit that amazing place again. You are so lucky, there are tremendous amount of photography opportunities there! I envy you.

  62. All the best Robin, I've always found your reviews interesting and fair, and of course your photos have been inspiring to many people like myself.

    1. Thanks Vince and I appreciate your kind words! I do my best to be fair in my review and I believe my readers will appreciate that too.

  63. Robin Wong you are my idol :)
    Continue Do your work
    Greetings from Poland

    1. hey Koberek,
      Wow I am not sure if I qualify to be an idol, but thanks!

  64. Good luck Robin. I always thought that you were working 2 jobs. It takes a lot of courage to change career so more kudos to you!

    1. Hey Alan,
      It did feel like doing 2 jobs! Thanks for recognizing that! Thanks for the kind words.

  65. People like Ming have done well as being an independent (until recently). Am sure you'll flourish. Best luck to you!

    1. yeah it seems he has done well but his pixelpeeping fixation, print obsession (he obviously has an agenda on this one) and his kind of inability to see photography as more, much more than just those two made him boring and made me stop reading his blog some time ago. besides, most of the time, his own photos, out of the studio, are not even very good...

    2. hey Bostonnc,
      Thanks for the kind words and encouragement, appreciate them!

      Hey MIguel,
      I think Bostonc was just referring to Ming Thein as a blogger/photographer who is doing quite well. I got to admit he is one of the more successful photographer bloggers out there!

  66. Dang that's big news Robin! Congrats and all the best on your endeavors! I'm sure that Olympus Global will miss you dearly. Now that I have your attention I'd like to ask you a question if I may. I just picked myself up a used Em1 and I'd like to buy some 4/3 lenses. I know you're fond of the 50-200, other than focusing speed can you tell me if the iq is better on the WSD version? Thanks!

    1. Hey Simonsez,
      Thanks for the kind words and well wishes! I'd highly recommend getting Micro Four Thirds lenses, as they are fully optimized for the E-M1.

  67. Comments speak by themselves. You can be positive that you has influenced so many of us and surely you will continue to do so. Personally, your blog help helped me to take the decision to change to OM-D system. I am not that good, but now i can shoot almost every day and have a lot of shutter therapy :P.

    Thank you and godspeed!

    PD. Hopefully you can come to Mexico some day for shooting, nice place.

    1. Thanks for the kind words CPoot!
      I am indeed overwhelmed by the positive comments and feedback from my readers and I cannot tell you how grateful I am to have such wonderful people visiting this blog!

  68. All the best for whatever you do next. I know the decision is not easy but I am glad you have the courage to go for your project whatever it is.
    I am sure you will be more happy and content with your future project. Please keep up the blog. Thank you for all your lovely pictures!

    1. hey tyson,
      Thanks for the kind words, and appreciate the well wishes. Shall do my best for my photography and keeping the blog updated.

  69. Good luck with the next phase of your life!!!!!!

  70. Well Robin, I wish you all the best !! I still want to follow your blogs !

  71. Dear Robin,
    To retrieve his own destiny is a decision that I fully understand and approve as we are trying to enrich our life of experiences, knowledge and encounters. For myself I did the exact move last march by leaving my past position as commercial director. A decision that has been part of a two years long reflexion. Since that I have already do a nice trip to the French Antilles and I am looking forward to induce more time on my photo-notebook-blog. So I feel very confident that you will succeed into your future goals and I hope you the best!
    Have a nice day,
    Daniel M

  72. All the best for you~ i have gotten into photography with olympus is all because of you too, jiayou~

  73. Best wishes for your new direction - I'm sure it will be impressive and inspiring. Your Olympus reviews didn't seem biased to me, but I've been a long-term user, so may not be wholly neutral myself!

  74. Robin,
    Tough but important decision.. "to thine own self be true"! Your enthusiasm, honesty, and frankness will put you in good stead whatever you do and wherever you go. You're a very big part of the reason I moved to Olympus from Canon. Your bird and insect shots were sooo good my friend. I hope you will continue to shoot Olympus and share your experience and wisdom with us. All the best in your new venture(s). Blessings, Glen (in Canada)

  75. Thank you for all you have done! Looking forward to following your new adventure!

  76. An avid true photographer will not stay loyal with any camera brand.....like Simon Yam who has been a Canon ambassador for years until recently was photographed carrying a Sony system said it all. Same goes to Ken Rockwell with Nikon. In your case, it is getting harder to limit your photography skill with M43 system when you know there are "better" choices out there ? Right time for you to go out and reignite your passion for photography. Happy shooting !!

  77. thank you for all your posts and good luck! looking forward for the new project.
    as a goodbye to the "old life" ;) how about making a cheatsheet compilation post? :)

  78. BIG BIG THANKS, Good luck in your new career, Steve

  79. Great to hear you're re-inventing yourself Robin. Your great blog made me explore not only Olympus m43 but I went further back to 43 and recently purchased an E5 to complete my photographic education!!...and now enjoying some great lenses with it and with my EM1.
    All the best from tiny Seychelles and me.

  80. Robin, I wish you well on your new journey. I too purchased all my Olympus gear beased on your honest reviews. I never doubted. Thank you so much for all the wonderful blogs and photos that you have posted. Looking forward to see what you are up to next. All the best.

  81. Don't you and Ming Thein live close to each other? His site has gotten somewhat esoteric since he joined Hassy. Perhaps a collaboration with him would be productive. You join Team Thein and reintroduce more interesting content and gear reviews. I'd love to see something like that. Best of luck whatever the decision Robin. I have always enjoyed your perspective.

  82. Robin, sad that you leave Olympus. I will check your blog out from time to time. I wish you all the best bro.

  83. Best wishes for whatever you choose to pursue! Life is too short and you have to follow your heart.....along with the little voice in your head! Thanks for all you have contributed on this blog as you have helped a lot of people and your photography is always an inspiration to those of us that are still learning.

  84. Hi Robin, I clicked on your Blog to find an article you wrote on how to change the setting from LF to LSF in my OMD EM1 MKII and was surprised to see you have left to pursue your photography passion. I'm glad you are pursuing your dreams and will still be able to share and provide information on the Olympus products. Would you mnd sharing one tip, how do I change that setting from LF to LSF in MKII, still searching! Thanks Danny

  85. I can only imagine good things ahead in your career. Bold movements are always good, specially those that motivate you and drive you from the heart. Whatever happens in this new project will be good for you. Congrants on not staying in your comfort zone, and inspire so many people that read your blog to do the same. Cheers from Mexico!

  86. Robin, I tried to hook up with you in KL about 2 years ago and our scheduled didn't jive. I wish you the best and if I get your way this year maybe we can try again. Ed in USA

  87. Good luck, Robin. Wish you all the best and will follow you blogs no matter what.

  88. Good luck, Robin. Wish you all the best and will follow you blogs no matter what.

  89. Best wishes Robin. Your reviews were a big factor to my purchase of an OMD EM10 Mii and an OMD EM1 Mii plus various lenses for my wife and I as we undertake some travels. Your blog is great, your photos even greater. I must say though, how on earth did Olympus let you go? They should have come to you with an offer of double salary to stay! You must be bringing them so much business. Anyway, greatly look forward to your next steps.

  90. I have been and still a canon user for 12 years. 2 years ago, after reading your blog, I bought the em5ii n 12-40/2.8, and now uses m43 system to shoot videos, and canon for stills. Really appreciate guys like u and huff bring us so many insightful views of the system. Thank you so much and I will keep follow your articles on ming too. Take care and best of luck on your career! :-)

  91. So sad to hear you have left Olympus, but every good wish to you Robin....you have taught me so much about my Olympus gear, and photography in general.
