Olympus M.Zuiko 30mm F3.5 Macro Lens Review

Important Notes: 1. I am an Olympus Malaysia employee. 2. This is a user experience based review, based on my personal opinion which can be subjective. 3. All images were shot in RAW and converted directly to JPEG (High Quality) via Olympus Viewer 3. 4. General camera settings, Noise Filter = OFF, Contrast/Saturation/sharpness = 0, White Balance = Auto (with an option maintain warm color = OFF), Gradation = Normal 5. Minimal post-processing applied to the images, with slight brightness/contrast balance

Olympus M.Zuiko 25mm F1.2 PRO Lens Review

Important Notes: 1. I am an Olympus Malaysia employee.  2. This is a user experience based review, based on my personal opinion which can be subjective. 3. All images were shot in RAW and converted directly to JPEG (High Quality) via Olympus Viewer 3.  4. General camera settings, Noise Filter = OFF, Contrast/Saturation/sharpness = 0, White Balance = Auto (with an option maintain warm color = OFF), Gradation = Normal 5. Minimal post-processing applied to the images, with slight brightness/contrast balance

Much Needed Shutter Therapy

Last one week has been a crazy working week for me, with back to back business meetings, training sessions and I just wished the weekend had come sooner. I had only one goal in mind, to walk on the streets and just have my shutter therapy, ending the session with nice, expensive cup of coffee. I did just that, and boy was I refreshed! I brought along the Olympus PEN E-P5 and 17mm F2.8 pancake lens, and just shot anything that

A Little Bit Of Everything

The past two weeks have been crazy for me, travelling to different cities for work. That means, I had very little time to shoot for myself. Nonetheless, I did bring along a camera with me, and stole whatever small opportunities I could find to fire the shutter button away. This compilation of photographs is not done in a cohesive manner, and created out of total randomness. I think I should do more selfie so more people will be able to recognise