It's Just A Rock You Can't Reach

I saw the moon floating around in the sky just outside my bedroom window and my hands got a bit itchy. So I grabbed the Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark II with M.Zuiko 75-300mm II lens and mounted them on a tripod, and took a shot of the moon using the tripod high res shot, yielding an effective 50MP output. This was JPEG, I could not be bothered with processing a RAW file since this was not going to be delivered to a client and I wanted a quick result. Sometimes, I enjoy instant noodles too. I thought the resolution resolved from a cheapish 75-300mm II lens combined with the pixel-shift composite method worked really well, not the best moon shot out there, but my finger itch was satisfied. This reminds me of the song from Radical Face, Bad Blood having these lyrics "but there's no magic inside the moon, it's just a rock you can't reach". 

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