Sunday Pork Steak at Ante And Audio Geeking Out At Starspicker

I spent a rather relaxing Sunday with my friend Jackie having brunch, did a bit of shopping and trying out some audio gear. We went to Ante, a pork specialist restaurant for their famous pork steak and boy oh boy it was such a satisfyingly meal! I don't know any other places in Kuala Lumpur that serves Pork Steak. On the other hand, pork chops or other kinds of pork dishes are plenty available everywhere, but not specifically Pork Steak! After

PENTAX K-01 - Funkiest Camera Design Ever

I have been looking for Pentax K-01 for a while now just for the unconventional and unique design of the camera. I finally found a used unit in a near mint condition selling at a price I cannot refuse! It has been a while since I was truly excited about a camera, and this 10 years old Pentax mirrorless got me out shooting a few rounds on the street. While the Pentax K-01 received generally underwhelming reviews everywhere, there are a

Revisiting Sigma 16mm F1.4 for Micro Four Thirds

I borrowed the Sigma 16mm F1.4 lens from my friend Amir Shariff and did some shutter therapy with that lens on my own Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark II. I have actually shared my thoughts on this lens before, you can check out my previous full review article in Ming Thein's site here (click). I won't repeat what I have written before here, but I can confidently say after shooting with this lens again this round, my findings are consistent with what I

BIHZHU Performing Live at Bobo, KL

I was shooting my friend Bihzhu performing live at Bobo, KL and I thought I can share my experience from that night with you guys here. The last time Bihzhu performed to a live audience was two years ago which I also shot, and was reviewing the Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mark IV. No thanks to the pandemic and multiple lockdowns in Malaysia, the local musicians have been deprived from the opportunity to perform live on stage, and I am so glad