5 Things I Like About Samsung Galaxy Z Flip

I managed to get my hands on the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip, a smartphone which is also a flip phone, in 2020. As I was looking through the available reviews online I realised that maybe it was not the best decision to do a review for this device, after all I am not a tech reviewer. Many have done a great job reviewing it. However, having used the Z Flip for about 2 weeks now, I do find myself enjoying

A Weekend Returning To Normal

Life in Malaysia is starting to slowly return to normal, and people are already crowding the public places such as the malls. I took this opportunity to catch up with some people, and finally get back to the normal weekend routines - overpriced coffee, hanging out, and hipster food. Sim, Van and myself went to a local cafe Wizards in Bukit Bintang, and it was really great catching up with friends after being isolated for so long. It has been