Threesome Awesomeness

I have been going through my old photographs published on this blog to construct a coherent photo story to tell. That process of editing is going to take some time, and as curating a large body of work is never easy. Nonetheless, I was inspired by recent photography friends, such as Raja Indra Putra who painstakingly spent a lot of effort and time to shoot and arrange his photographs in consistent and cohesive themes. My first attempt of such categorization

Reasons Why I Love Olympus M.Zuiko 45mm F1.8 Lens

I had a very specific objective to achieve last weekend, to answer a popularly asked question sent by readers via emails as well as in the comment section of this blog: how does the Olympus M.Zuiko 14-42mm F3.5-5.6 EZ Pancake Lens compare to the M,Zuiko 12-50mm F3.5-6.3 EZ? I went to Petaling Street and wanted to shoot these two kit lenses side by side and do a full blog entry on advantages and disadvantages of having either one lens. All


I think the rarest color that I have in my photographs, is red. I am probably consciously avoiding this color, as it is very striking and at times, too distracting from the main subject of the photograph. I have been trying my best to exclude red objects or backgrounds in my photographs but I am starting to think that might not be a good idea after all. I have met many new photographer friends who opened up my mind to

Olympus Monochrome Profile Control

So I finally had some time to sit around and have a closer look at the new Olympus added features into the PEN-F: Monochrome and Color Profile. I fully understand that many do not see these new features as anything significant. Same was said about the Art Filters, which was first introduced in a Four Thirds DSLR, Olympus E-30 in 2009. Similar feedback was given back then from the general online photography community: photographers do not need Art Filters, they

High ISO Shooting with Olympus PEN-F

If you have not read my full review on the newly launched Olympus PEN-F, kindly read Part 1 and Part 2, as this blog entry serves as an extension to my earlier review series.  I have noticed several complains about my photographs, especially those taken in low light conditions and used as samples in my blog review purposes. These complains claimed that I was shooting in favorable lighting condition which was not representative of actual practical camera use in real

More Adventures with the Olympus PEN-F

So I have a few days of Chinese New Year holidays and I have spent them all with plenty of sleep, catching up with friends, watching a few movies (I have caught Deadpool and it was FREAKING AWESOME!!!!!), read a book and more importantly, I have brought the new PEN-F out to the streets for some shutter therapy! Unlike previous sessions of using the PEN-F, this time I was not shooting with it for review purposes. There were no particular

The 35mm Street Adventure Continues

I have not had much time to shoot for myself lately. Since my return to KL (after a hiatus of about a month away to Kuching), I have been busy with all the reviews of Olympus latest products, the M.Zuiko 300mm F4 IS PRO lens, and of course the beautiful, sexy PEN-F which was just launched about 2 weeks ago. I have spent most of my previous two weekends shooting for the reviews of the above-mentioned products and the remaining

Olympus PEN-F Review Part 2

Important Notes: 1. I am an Olympus Malaysia employee.  2. This is a user experience based review, based on my personal opinion which can be subjective. 3. All images were shot in RAW and converted directly to JPEG (High Quality) via Olympus Viewer 3 Version 2 (unreleased at this moment) 4. General camera settings, Noise Filter = OFF, Contrast/Saturation/sharpness = 0, White Balance = Auto (with an option maintain warm color = OFF), Gradation = Normal 5. Minimal post-processing applied to