Randomness from Vietnam

Since I did not have any shutter therapy sessions lately I am out of new photographs to share here. Nonetheless, that did not stop me from digging some older stuff which I had, and I remembered I took like a thousand photos during my trip to Hoi, An, Vietnam last year and I found some photographs which did not make it to the previous batch of selection here (click). Long weekend is coming, and I can't wait to hit the

An EPIC Weekend Adventure to Kuantan Shooting Stars, Sunrise and Anything in Between

Shutter therapy took an unexpected turn this weekend. I took a break from what I do normally and took on a journey to many firsts:  1) My first trip to Kuantan, Pahang 2) My first time seeing the Milky Way and shooting it (I told dear friend Sameer I have seen it, but now that I tried to recall I actually have not seen it) 3) My first time shooting everything night sky, besides the Milky Way I also shot


People say, Olympus Micro Four Thirds image sensor is small, hence has limited capabilities when it comes to overall dynamic range captured in a photograph. We have been told that larger image sensors such as full frame sensors can retain more details in the extreme highlight and shadow regions, preventing from highlight and shadow clippings. While we do not defy the rules of science and physics, my question here remains valid, how much more dynamic range do you really need?

Penang Shutter Therapy, a Short, but Fulfilling One

Important Note:  Please support my friend Jackie Loi and his charity cause, as he is selling his photographs to raise funds for an Orphanage. All his photographs are taken with Olympus, and you may find some really amazing stuff, and donation starts as low as below USD10 per photograph!  For more information, kindly go to Jackie's page here (click).  I have been severely deprived of my shutter therapy sessions.  Work has caught up on me, the last weekend I was away

Exploring Video Recording of E-M5 Mark II

I am very, very new when it comes to video but that does not stop me from doing it. I studied my past video recordings which I have done (with numerous cameras, E-M10, E-M5 and E-M1) and there are many shortcomings which can be improved. No, this has nothing to do with the cameras' capabilities of recording video, it was due to me, the user's almost non-existent experience and knowledge in making a good video.