Olympus PEN E-PL7 Review

Important Note: 1. I am an Olympus Malaysia employee.  2. This is a user experience based review, based on my personal opinion which can be subjective. 3. All images were shot in RAW and converted directly to JPEG (High Quality) via Olympus Viewer 3. 4. General camera settings, Noise Filter = OFF, Contrast/Saturation/sharpness = 0, White Balance = Auto (with an option maintain warm color = OFF), Gradation = Normal 5. Minimal post-processing applied to the images, with slight brightness/contrast balance tweak.

Olympus Macro Walkabout at KL Butterfly Park

Earlier this morning, I was leading a group of Olympus photo enthusiasts to shoot insect macro at Butterfly Park, KL, and boy it was a fun morning! Together with me was Amir Ridhwan, an Olympus enthusiast who shoots mainly macro, someone whom I have looked up to and learned a lot from (my own macro shooting techniques were derived from his own). We spent about 3 hours in the park, attacking all sorts of bugs and spiders. Most of the

Taking a Moment of Silence to Remember MH17

Today is the first national mourning day for MH-17. To the families and friends affected by this tragedy, you have my prayers and thoughts. Graphics and Photo Credit: Chi Kin

Photography Is About Fun

When we observe the general photography discussion over online photography community such as forums, Flickr groups and Facebook Group/Pages, the harmless discussion quickly takes dramatic turn and people obsess over technicalities and proving who knows what better, that I do not see how photography is fun any more. So what if that camera is better than that camera, so what if my lens is not as sharp as yours? What if I decide to break some rules of photography? Surely

Why Do I Shoot On The Street?

Olympus Malaysia will be hosting a Photo Sharing session this Saturday Morning (at our headquarters) featuring a multiple international award winning photographer, Sanjitpaal Singh. Sanjit will be sharing his latest photographs taken at various rainforests in Malaysia, showcasing amazing nature photography that I am sure many of you have not seen before. Since it is a photo sharing, this session is all focused on photography and anyone is welcomed to view Sanjit's photographs and ask any questions, so we can

That 2pm Breakfast

The past week has been extra crazy for me, so I was physically drained more than usual. I just could not wake up earlier this morning (Saturday) for shutter therapy, so I skipped it altogether and chose to sleep in and wake up much, much later. It felt great to be able to sleep more and that extra sleep was all I needed to recover.  I went to the Quar/tet at TTDI in the afternoon to meet some friends, and

Do Not Overthink. Keep It Simple

Sometimes we overcomplicate things. We tend to think too much and take too many considerations before making a photograph happen. While it is almost always crucial to have a checklist of items to tick off in order to ensure nothing goes wrong in that frame you are shooting, sometimes, thinking too much just takes out all the fun of shooting. When things get too complicated with multiple guidelines and theories to capture that "elusive" perfect shot, sometimes we lost sight of

Lens Made of Rare Metal, Unobtainium: Nocticron 42.5mm F1.2

A few weeks ago I have had a close encounter with the Panasonic Nocticron 42.5mm F1.2 lens.  Around the same time, Kirk Tuck said in his blog about the Nocticron: "It's dense because it is built with a certain amount of rare metal called, Unobtainium."  Shaun who has that lens is in town again, and together with Bjorn we attacked Chow Kit, and Shaun was kind enough to loan me the lens made from Unobtainium for a whole morning. I was a