Early Morning Life at the Wet Market

In the lazy weekend morning, life is bustling at the local wet markets. Early morning light is usually the best for available light photography and being at a place full of activities and friendly people just gets your finger clicking the shutter button away endlessly. How can you not enjoy shutter therapy when there is so much life to see, to touch and feel, and to shoot! Was it worth sacrificing that 2-3 hours worth of morning sleep to get

Happy Birthday, Jason!

To a dear friend, Jason, Happy Birthday!

Exploiting the Strengths of Olympus Stylus 1

About a month ago I have reviewed the Olympus Stylus 1, the new flagship advanced compact camera. The day before the review was published, I released a teaser blog entry (click) that displayed 7 images taken from Olympus Stylus 1, and I asked my readers to guess what camera was used to take them. 90% of the people guessed it wrong, with answers wide ranging from E-M10 (then not released yet) to M.Zuiko 40-150mm F2.8 Pro lens, 25mm F1.8 lens

Penang Shutter Therapy with Olympus OM-D E-M10 and M.Zuiko 25mm F1.8

I thank you all beautiful people for showing up and taking some time to respond to my previous blog entry (here). I appreciate the show of support and the kind words. Photography is about shooting and sharing images, and I will continue to do so regularly on my blog. I have enjoyed doing so for so long and I will continue doing so here, you will see.  I was away to Penang for almost one week for business trip, and

About My Gear Review

There is a strong reason why I have always chosen not to do any comparison (except within Olympus' own products) in my blog reviews. It is just impossible to answer every single question from everyone.  If you have been following my review work for a while now, you will understand that my methods of reviewing a new gear may be unconventional and less technical, but more practical and closer to real life usage of the gear. Cameras and lenses can

Shooting Studio Portraits with the Olympus OM-D E-M10. Or, Something Like That.

I had access to studio equipment last weekend, hence I thought why not do something completely different, something I have not done before for my blog reviews. Friend Carmen was generous enough to "volunteer" (more appropriately, becoming my victim of this experiment) as the model of the day. Kudos to being such a sport, Carmen!   E-M10 and 75mm F1.8

Olympus OM-D E-M10 Review Part 2: High ISO Shooting

Important Note: 1) I am an Olympus Malaysia employee.  2) This review is a user-experience based review, from a photography enthusiast's point of view.  3) All images were shot in RAW and converted to JPEG via Olympus Viewer 3. Noise Filter = OFF, Gradation Normal, Saturation, Contrast and Sharpness set to default "0". Image Setting Natural, Auto White Balance with Warm Color OFF.  4) The images were almost straight out of camera, with slight exposure (brightness/contrast balance) tuning and white

Olympus 9mm Fisheye Body Cap Lens Review

Important Note: 1) I am an Olympus Malaysia employee.  2) This review is a user-experience based review, from a photography enthusiast's point of view.  3) All images were shot in RAW and converted to JPEG via Olympus Viewer 3. Noise Filter = OFF, Gradation Normal, Saturation, Contrast and Sharpness set to default "0". Image Setting Natural, Auto White Balance with Warm Color OFF.  4) The images were almost straight out of camera, with slight exposure (brightness/contrast balance) tuning and white

Olympus M.Zuiko 25mm F1.8 Review Part 1

Important Note: 1) I am an Olympus Malaysia employee.  2) This review is a user-experience based review, from a photography enthusiast's point of view.  3) All images were shot in RAW and converted to JPEG via Olympus Viewer 3. Noise Filter = OFF, Gradation Normal, Saturation, Contrast and Sharpness set to default "0". Image Setting Natural, Auto White Balance with Warm Color OFF.  4) The images were almost straight out of camera, with slight exposure (brightness/contrast balance) tuning and white

Olympus OM-D E-M10 Review Part 1: Handling, 3-Axis Image Stabilization and the New M.Zuiko 14-42mm EZ Lens

Important Note: 1) I am an Olympus Malaysia employee.  2) This review is a user-experience based review, from a photography enthusiast's point of view.  3) All images were shot in RAW and converted to JPEG via Olympus Viewer 3. Noise Filter = OFF, Gradation Normal, Saturation, Contrast and Sharpness set to default "0". Image Setting Natural, Auto White Balance with Warm Color OFF.  4) The images were almost straight out of camera, with slight exposure (brightness/contrast balance) tuning and white