Seeing Street In Monochrome

This is a continuation from the same series from the previous blog entry, about shooting in black and white more for my own personal street photography. I used to fit in as many as 40-50 (yes, 50!) images in a single blog post, and I am starting to do things differently now. The reason I fit so many images was mostly for my review articles. When I started reviewing cameras, I actually did break down my reviews to multiple parts, but there was a consequence - people did not bother to read all parts, after they have read one blog entry or just a few without completing the whole series, they drew conclusions. For example, part 1 of my Olympus 17mm F1.8 review was about the technical image quality and handling, and part 2 was about the things I disliked about the lens, including the flat and uninteresting rendering. Many did not read Part 2 and assumed I have backtracked on what I said about the review in recent times, but the truth was, if they have read both parts, they would have known that my opinion has been consistent over the years and nothing changed. After that incident (and a few similar others) I decided to just lump everything into a singular review post, which sometimes can exceed 50 sample images. Well, since I don't do much long form reviews anymore, and most of my blog articles are just photo-sharing and random thoughts thrown in between the images, why not break them up into smaller, more digestible parts?

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