Quick Street Shooting At Medan, Indonesia

I may have mentioned in my recent blog entries that I was in Medan, Indonesia in the last weekend of 2024 for a wedding shoot. During that short travel, I did not have much time for myself, but I managed to squeeze in a bit of shutter therapy time. It was a day after the wedding, on a Sunday morning, and I had about several hours of street walk time before returning to hotel at 11am, and checking out at 12pm. In those short 2 hours plus, I roamed around the streets around the Medan train station area (the train to the airport), it was a quiet Sunday morning, but I did get some cool shots. Images were shot on Nikon Z50 II which was on loan from Futuromic Malaysia, and Viltrox 35mm F1.7 lens which I was in the midst of reviewing. Admittedly these are not my best work, as I had limited time in a location that was alien to me, and I was also physically and mentally drained from a full day wedding shoot I had the day before, and not having enough sleep did not help things either! Nevertheless, Medan is such a beautiful place and I do plan to visit again, hopefully soon. 

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