Apr 23, 2024

Weekend Catching Up With Friends

Most of my friends work normal 9-5 jobs on weekdays, and the only time I get to catch up with them would be in the weekends. A lot of my friends already have their own families and usually are tied down with their commitments, which I can fully understand, family first always, I would have made the same decisions. However, the close friends which remains a few, would always make time to catch up, no matter how busy life gets, and I appreciate them doing so. Last weekend, I had brunch with Jackie and Jaslyn (I think we have been friends for almost 12 years at this point?) and boy oh boy, did we feast! I brought out the Nikon Z5 and 40mm prime just for a few quick shots. It was nice seeing everyone again and hearing individual life stories and dramas. Indeed, real life is more exciting than fiction. 

Pouring Kombucha into my Salmon Chazuke



Buttermilk Fried Chicken Burger

Unagi Rice Bowl

My order - Salmon Chazuke

A close up of a burger that no one asked for


Overpriced cake

Sugar, sugar and more sugar

Spencer also joined in the fun

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