Mar 2, 2022

I QUIT - Leaving Olympus/OMSystem Ambassador Program

After much consideration and with a heavy heart, I have quit my position as the Olympus Visionary. I want to personally announce this here, properly explain my reasons for leaving the program and also share some of my plans moving forward. In short, I was completely sidelined by OM Digital Solutions when it comes to new product releases over the past year, I received zero communication from them though on paper I was their brand ambassador and I saw no point of me contributing so much to the brand, receiving nothing in return, not even a phone call or email. I have also made a video on this similar topic, if you prefer to listen to me speak in person, the video is here (click). 

Allow me to first clarify that the local representative for Olympus/OM System brand, which is a camera retailer in Malaysia, OMD World Imaging, they have been nothing but extremely supportive to me over the past year. I have had an amazing relationship with them, I have no issues with the local representative and I look forward to future collaborations with them if there is any. The issues that I am about to mention that I have are with the JIP/OM Digital Solutions based in Japan, that carved out the imaging business from the original Olympus company. 

A brief history recap for those who may not be aware of my heavy involvement with Olympus, which spanned no less than 10 years. I initially was working as a civil engineer in Kuala Lumpur, and I shot with Olympus DSLR as a hobby. I had a blog (this very same blog) where I shared my photographs taken with Olympus and also wrote articles about using Olympus. I was noticed by Olympus Malaysia and was hired in 2013 as their product specialist, under the marketing department. I worked officially for Olympus Malaysia from 2013 to 2017, conducting consumer activities, touch and try events, product launches, photography workshops, photowalks, dealing with media, photographers, provided product training for camera retailer staff, and I also took care of the country's inventory system, which was quite a stressful task. I enjoyed my work tremendously, met a lot of great people and have learned and grown a lot over the years working for Olympus. 

In 2017, I left Olympus Malaysia to pursue a career as a professional photographer, full time. I have always wanted to be a photographer, nothing bad happened between me and Olympus, I left with a positive note and I still kept a good relationship with Olympus Malaysia after I left. I was free and not tied to any brand for a while, until 2018, Olympus Malaysia approached me again and this time, invited me to join their Olympus Visionary program, which they have newly expanded to Asia Pacific regions. Of course I immediately jumped in and said yes! I still shot actively with Olympus for my professional career and I believe in the system, that has not changed after I left the company, and it was only natural that I promote the brand in a more official capacity. 

We knew that in 2020, Olympus imaging was carved out into a new company, OM Digital Solutions/JIP. Ever since then, things have been different. Olympus exited the business in Malaysia, and the distribution is placed under a local representative, a camera retailer OMD World Imaging. I have lost my direct contact to Olympus/OMSystem and I have been dealing with the local representative OMD World Imaging for the past year, though I must say they have been great and I enjoyed working with them. 

For the last one year, OM Digital Solutions have launched various products, namely 8-25mm F4 PRO, E-P7, 20mm F1.4 PRO and now more recently the flagship camera OM-1 and PRO lenses 12-40mm PRO II and 40-150mm F4 PRO. Each and every time there was a product release, I was completely ignored. I received zero notification, no phone call, no email, nothing. I was caught by surprise during the launch of 8-25mm PRO lens, and I had to scour the internet and piece together some information to make my own video about the lens. The information came to the local representative VERY late, usually on the same day of launch or even the day after, and when the official information reached me the whole world already knew about the product, and I have received more than 100 questions from everywhere. 

As a brand ambassador, I am in constant touch with a large audience, and I receive hundreds of comments on my YouTube videos, this blog, my Facebook page, and various other platforms. I also get direct emails. It is extremely important that I am kept in the loop about any product releases. Why don't you keep your ambassador informed, so that they can immediately answer questions and push the crowd to the right direction (say, get more pre-orders?)

Is it really so difficult to forward me an email with the press release of the product, some information maybe 2-3 days BEFORE the launch? 

And you know what the frustrating part is? During the launch, there are dozens and dozens of other reviews available online, everywhere else in the world. I understand that things are different now and I may not have the privilege to get early review samples, that is fine, but why then are so many smaller sites, some only a few hundred sub count, gets a camera a week before the launch? How is that fair? If you go for larger sites like DPReview or Imaging Resource, that is perfectly fine, or your official ambassadors, I have no issues, but there are random people who just seem to be able to get early samples and here I was, your official ambassador, completely ignored. 

I believe that I have poured my heart and soul over the years from my early days blogging, to my employment with Olympus Malaysia and my time as an Olympus Visionary. I believe I have done more than most people have in promoting the brand, and I have shared more photographs taken with Olympus system than any one has ever done (this is a fact). I have hundreds of videos, made week after week, and I continuously support the brand with whatever best ways I can. 

I have done EVERYTHING I can for the brand, but they don't even bother to contact me and forward me some product information before the launch of their arguably most important product, the flagship camera OM-1. I gave my all, and they gave me ZERO support in return. 

Where do you think this will go?

Obviously, the wisest decision I can make for myself, moving forward is to quit. It would have been damaging to myself and the brand if I stayed on any longer. I cannot do my job as a Visionary or brand ambassador if they are not willing to work with me. 

And so I quit. My contract ended in February 2022 and I have informed the local representative, OMD World Imaging I wished not to renew the contract. I walked away. 

So the obvious questions is, what's next?

Some would say, enjoy the freedom! I'd say, YES! Some would also say, hey come to Sony, they have the best camera now, full frame is the shit, or hey, let's look at Panasonic or Fuji, they are the next best things. Guys, guys guys, can you please slow down?

Just because I stopped being an Olympus Visionary it does not mean I have automatically given up on the brand and products. Whatever that I have said over the years in this blog and YouTube channel, my belief in the system does not change just because I left. It makes perfect sense as a working, professional photographer to continue on with the current Olympus OM-D system, not just for cost-efficiency reasons, but I know the system inside out, I can maximize the strengths and work around the weaknesses, basically I can get the best out of my Olympus OM-D! Giving that up, jumping ship would show that I have no integrity, that I have lied to my audience and I can be easily manipulated. I am none of those things!

I am not one of those photographers who would shoot with Nikon one day and then the next day, jumped to Sony and suddenly Nikon is not good enough and Sony is the next best thing. Then suddenly Canon came along with a new camera and the Sony gear is sold off and Canon is the next best thing. How can you take the words from these photographers seriously, when they change camera systems as frequently as they change their underwear? I certainly would do my best to avoid falling into that category. 

So worry not guys, I still love my Olympus OM-D, my amazing M.Zuiko lenses and I will continue to use them both in my professional work environment, as well as for my own personal projects. I still believe that Micro Four Thirds is the future. You can disagree with me, that's fine, but this is a different topic altogether and let's discuss this elsewhere. 

So what's going to happen to my YouTube channel, my blog, and my other platforms? Nothing changes really. The core of what I do on this blog and more recently, the YouTube, is to encourage more people to go out and shoot with their cameras. I want to share my passion for photography, I want to see more people enjoy shutter therapy and I have been doing that for so many years, I see no reason to stop. I will share fresh photographs as much as I can, I will talk about photography, I will share tips and tricks on using gear, of course with Micro Four Thirds still as I am still an active Olympus OM-D user and I will do more POV style videos, cameras and lenses reviews, all that stuff, you can count on it, I am still making them. 

The only big difference? Me not being tied to a brand, I am free to explore other camera brands and talk about them more openly. You may find reviews of more diverse products VERY very soon. 

I am still here guys, I am not going anywhere. I shall continue to make content and share as much as I can. I sure hope you stay with me as well!

I want to thank each and every one of you for being here, for being with me all these years, I cannot ask for more from such an amazing audience. I have always said there is no Robin Wong without you blog readers/YouTube audience. Thank you so much for the continuous support, generous contributions to coffee and PayPal, and all the likes/views/comments, I appreciate all of them, and I appreciate you. 

Shutter therapy must go on. I will continue to shoot with my Olympus OM-D. Maybe alongside something else this time, who knows? We will see. Do come along with me on this journey, and let's enjoy photography together!

Please support me & keep this site going:


  1. The stupid thing about this from Olympus's, erm, OMD Digital Solutions' perspective is that I've seen other reviewers and commentators start a review of their products and never finish it. So, in one case, the reviewer (who I respect, so it's not a comment about their competence) started a review of the OMD E-M1 III and, well, next thing we saw was some review of whatever Nikon or Sony had produced that week. And that review never got finished because, I guess, it's an "old" camera now: not newsworthy or traffic generating.

    I guess that marketing is hard work if you do it correctly, but most people doing it these days don't want to bother. They would rather throw money trying to get their faces in front of a large but generally uninterested audience (witness the parade of free stuff various YouTubers get that appears for an instant on their channels and then presumably gets stashed or flipped on eBay), pay for "promotional consideration", or even pay for fake reviews. Not that I'm accusing OMDDS of the latter.

    Given that OMDDS is in a phase where they are mostly refining apparently very good products, one would think that they might want to encourage firmer relationships with their customers, instead of trying to "outscream" the competitors through more superficial channels. So I think it is a shame that they would neglect the opportunity to do that through your audience, Robin.

    1. Thanks Paul for being here, and I appreciate the show of support. I am sure they know what they are doing, with new and different strategies, so it is best for me to move on. I will continue to shoot and make content, you can count on that. Shutter therapy goes on.

  2. Yang penting hangout kat cafe dengan overpriced coffee is a must.

    1. Jom, bila nak lepak sama? I belanja kopi dan kek

  3. Cameras and Camera gear is so good these days, no matter which system, which format. Camera Industry has come to the point, that they have lost their original target group to smartphone users.
    What remains, are enthusiasts with big pockets capable of buying costly stuff and pros.
    I am happy to use my Sony APS C gear and will be happy taking photos with it until cam and other gear falls apart. That's the point of photography. Going out and taking shots, no matter which gear. Love to see your Photos, Robin!

    1. Yeap, I agree and the important thing is to go out and shoot more!

  4. I saw a guy with 200 (yes, TWO HUNDRED) subscribers receiving a O-M1 for pre-release "review", and people like you, Jimmy Chang and Peter Forsgard, which did so much for Olympus, left alone.

    I guess that the want to be SURE that the camera only will receive praises and NO criticism (despite looking a really good camera). You did right.

    Moved to Fuji (because of issues with m43 in my country, which never had official representation both by Panasonic and Olympus), but still love m43 and I hoping that it thrives again. And if you will do reviews of other brands - I guess that you will like the Fuji X-S10, have one and it is the most m43ish camera in their lineup.

    Regards and good luck - I will still follow you, as always.

    1. I have no issues with others receiving early review samples, if they could not get one to me, could they at least do two things - contact me and let me know, I'd be ok, and more importantly, send me the press release/product info, I need that desperately!
      Thanks for the support, and I appreciate you being here!

  5. Moving forward i always follow your step

  6. You did a great work over the years promotion Olympus products and specially the OMD system cameras.
    I've started with Panasonic cameras and lenses back in 2011 and then slowly moved to Olympus (first the lenses, then the cameras), based in many positive feedback I've learned from your blog and pictures.
    You have erased any little doubt I had in the micro 4/3 system with your encouraging videos and tips.
    Keep up the good work and don't stop being in touch with your audience.
    Take care.

    1. Thanks Jaime for being here and I appreciate the support and kind comment. I am here, more blog articles and video coming for sure.

  7. You're the best. Olympus needs to wake up.

    1. Thanks Brent, appreciate that, it is time to move on, I am sure they know what they are doing.

  8. It has really been a while since i last read a blog post and it is such a long one.

    Hi Robin. :)

    1. Ah Rose! Long time no see haha. Amazing you still remember this blog!

  9. Mr wong, thank you for all the work, all these videos so clear that allowed us to understand, appreciate and exploit the potential of our cameras. Your enthusiasm in your videos was a joy to see and put a smile on my face. Here in France many appreciate you. OM System repeats the same mistakes as olympus in terms of communication, because you were much more than an ambassador. All the best.

  10. stay strong Robin. Last year I got an Olympus camera & a couple of lenses also if not mainly thanks to your blog & videos, thanks to your enthusiasm & knowledge. It's a shame OM System doesn't realize that, but as you write life goes on, and I'm sure it will just get better for you. Thanks for what you've done!

  11. Thanks for good reviews and good photos. I am a bit tired of other long reviews which are often followed with ehhh not so great photos. The gears keep getting better but not always the photos. I recently looked at my old photos and liked a lot of them - taken with my first digital: Olympus 5060 w, 5,1mp!! Are we forgetting the important moments when fiddeling with our new wonders? Keep your head up an carry on!

  12. Robin, It is a shame but great that you have the strength of your convictions!
    If I can't figure something out quickly with my Olympus (s) I just go to your site. I always find the answer to an Olympus issue.
    It is their loss!
    Cheers Ian

  13. OMDS have shot themselves in the foot by excluding you from the OM1 launch. You are one of the best ambassadors Olympus ever had on the internet and I for one rate your opinions above those of most other reviewers and 'Ambassadors'. You are one of the very few that go out with the camera/lens and actually USE it in real life situations and are not afraid of being honest in your opinions - although perhaps your honesty is what OMDS dislikes! I certainly will not be spending £2000 on the OM1 until you have had an opportunity to use one and are able to provide some sound feedback. Whilst I may not always agree with your comments, I respect them and have a great deal more confidence in them than 90% of the other Reviews.

  14. Hello Robin,

    I really understand your feelings about this issue and bad treatment from Olympus because I was following your work since 2008 and witnessing passion for that brand. I st(i)ack with Olympus from E-510, over the E-5 and OMD EM10 MKII and I never regret. I have some personal doubts about next camera but it is another topics. Yesterday I saw that Peter Fosgard anounnced that he signed contracts with OM1 and become Olympus ambassador. He is great guy too, but I dont understand how come that, what is the criteria that Olympus offers that to Peter but skiped you? That is no reasonable and I have to say pitty for all Olympus community. Best regards, be strong man and dont give up!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Hi Robin

    Sorry to hear you have left Olympus after all the years in supporting their products. We all know Olympus is a different company now despite the new company retains the nostalgic name OM. I once heard Japanese companies do not like to support Asian artists, except their own. If this is true, it's very unfortunate for a global company selling global products. I wish you all the best and am quite confident, in near future, you will find a partner with mutual respect. Happy shooting !

  17. Hi Robin,
    Sorry to hear about the bad experiences. I initially got into MFT (in 2012 with OMD-EM5) in part because of the amazing photos you shared from the streets of Kuala Lumpur. I have since tried different camera systems, but I never stopped reading your blog and more recently have really enjoyed your YouTube photo walks. Please keep blogging and vlogging even if Olympus is not there to support you anymore. I'll still continue to enjoy your photography and writing!
    All the best,

  18. Robin, I have been following you for about 5 years. I respect your reason for quitting as a Visionary. I believe I would have done the same. I am just purchasing the 17mm f1.2 after much research, and your take on the f1.2 lenses was a big part of that. Olympus/OM System are producing great cameras and lenses, I love them. However, if they treat their team like this, how long will they exist for? Once you let your team down, it is not long before the rot sets in. I am Olympus to my core, having shot Nikon Pro kit for over 25 years as a photojournalist. Let us hope they see sense and look at the basics, learn and put that learning into practice. I wonder, how many other folks like yourself will quit for the same reasons. Best wishes and thank you for all your advice and help.
