May 22, 2018

Being At The Right Time and Place

I have always believed that luck plays a very important role in everything we do in life, including photography. Photography opportunities may happen at the least unexpected times, and one of them happened in my recent photowalk.

It was an official Olympus Malaysia outing to Batu Caves, and we have been doing this workshop for at least half a dozen times now. However, we have never encountered this particular moment when the light shined into the dark cave in glorious looking golden rays. The newly built temple inside the cave did an extensive incense burning in that particular morning and the smoke produced from the burning was well timed with the exact moment the light ray came in, creating a dramatic effect.

Coincidentally I had the Sigma 16mm f1.4 lens so I thought this could make a great sample image for the lens review, which was published recently on Ming Thein's site. 

There are many things we cannot predict or control in life. Sometimes when we go out for a photowalk it may not be productive, and we end up with not too many great shots. That is ok, because you have to win some and lose some, and you cannot win all the time. The best thing that we can do is to get out there as much as possible and hopefully when the wonderful photography opportunity presents itself, we are ready to capture it with our camera.

The biggest question is, when that rare, awe-worthy, one in a million chance of a photography moment does happen in front of you at the most unexpected place and time, are you fully ready to shoot it?


  1. >>when that rare ... one in a million chance of a photography moment does happen in front of you at the most unexpected place and time, are you fully ready to shoot it?
    I'm not. Personally, as landscape photographer, I hate this kind of approach. :o)
    I find it washes out the main benefits of shooting landscapes: the experience it's self is the most important aspect, photography should be a consequence. I think that being ready to shoot is more a street photography kind of approach.

    >>There are many things we cannot predict or control in life
    That's exactly what amaze me of landscape photography; despite we all can almost afford the best technology and informations, due to the unpredictable nature of the natural elements, we rarely can see two identical pictures of the same location. :o)

    Of course, I can afford this point of view because I do not rely on photography to put the bread on the table. ;o)
