Mar 13, 2018

Sushi Teriyaki Chicken Burger at Third Wave, Nexus Bangsar South

Sometimes, I am adventurous enough to try unusual food just for the kicks of it. Sushi burger is not exactly something new, the fusion between Asian and Western food is quite common these days. However, not many places can get the fusion right and the mutated food usually ends up disastrous and nothing like the original counterparts. Nonetheless, the best part of living is being able to eat, and daring to try different food is part of the fun that keeps the game interesting.

I found the Teriyaki Chicken Sushi Bueger at Nexus Bangsar South. The sushi rice replaced the usual burger buns, sandwiching the teriyaki chicken in between. The sushi burger came with generous serving of vegetable tempura at the side. I was there for lunch, and the combo set includes Iced Americano and pumpkin soup, for  RM25, which is not bad for what you are getting, essentially a heavy lunch with decent coffee.

The above photographs were taken when I was shooting with the Olympus OM-D E-M5 (original 2012 version) and the M.Zuiko 25mm F1.8 for an article at Ming Thein's site. I found myself using the Olympus 25mm lens the most for all kinds of food photography that I do. Not that I have been getting a lot of food assignment/paid jobs, but I found the 25mm offers the best flexibility in terms of not having to go so far away versus managing unwanted perspective distortion. The F1.8 wide open allows for some shallow depth of field isolation on the food subjects when necessary and also better advantage at shooting in low light, without using high ISO numbers.

Another unrelated note I want to share here, I used the E-M5 immediately after a full day shooting using an 1-inch image sensor advanced compact camera. I initially thought the 1 inch sensor could provide me with some subject isolation, and a bit of stretch having usable ISO800-1600 when I need to deal with low light. I have clearly overestimated the capabilities of those 1-inch compacts. They did not give me sufficient shallow depth of field effect that I needed, as shown in the second image above (taken with E-M5) to blur the background away and allow the subject to pop. Also, the above images were taken at ISO1600, and they came out clean with incredible amount of good details and low noise, something that the 1-inch sensor compact failed to deliver.

I guess, having a tiny compact camera comes with too many compromises that I am not willing to trade off. I shall stick with my Olympus PEN E-P5 or the E-M5 as a side camera I keep alongside my main shooting camera.

I think it is impossible to lose weight if you live in Malaysia. There is over-abundance of good food, and we just love our food too much. Of course one can say moderation is the key to fitness and health but if you are here with me, you will know that food is just too good here to go moderate.

Olympus M.Zuiko 25mm F1.8 can be purchased at B&H here. 
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