Oct 26, 2017

How To Rob A Bank

What an amazing, amazing piece of glass! The Olympus M.Zuiko 45mm F1.2 PRO Lens. I want one. Now I have to figure out how to rob a bank. Any bright ideas?

In case you have not noticed, my full review for this lens is up on Ming Thein's site here (click).


  1. Replies
    1. I will have sleepless nights thinking of this lens

  2. Just get one with a nice employee discount... Oh wait! That no longer applies, does it? 🤔 I read your review over on Ming's site. Nice review, great lens.
    If you come up with a good idea for that bank heist, I'll drive the get away car... 😁

    1. Hah, honestly the employee discount was.... nothing to shout about. Else I would be hogging all the expensive Olympus gear by now. Yes, I do need that "Driver", hope you are as good as the "Baby Driver".

  3. Borrow, don't buy! We all get gear lust, but a good session of shutter therapy will cure it!

  4. Go to a bank. When they ask you what they can do for you, you should answer: "I'm simply robbin'." From that moment on there are three options.
    - The bank employee panics and will give you the money.
    - You will get busted, but then you can use the name of this blog as an alibi.
    - They don’t believe you. In that case you could sew Olympus for provoking a crime. (I’m not sure how your chances are then, since you have had a relation in the past).

  5. You don't need to rob the bank Robin. Just join politics! ;-)

  6. Hi Robin,

    Thank you as always for your very informative reviews that always speak from a photographer's point of view that doesn't get lost in convoluted technical details.

    You mention that it equals the 75mm in terms of image sharpness. Given it's almost a stop faster, would you consider it a suitable replacement to the 75mm for overall photography?
