Nov 17, 2016

I Need A Break And Lots Of Shutter Therapy Session

This blog site has slowed down significantly lately. Two reasons, a huge amount of time and effort were spent on shooting and reviewing the new Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark II with follow up on answering questions in comments and emails, and Olympus Malaysia has been on high gear in rolling out consumer touch and try events all over Malaysia, non-stop in subsequent weekends since the launch of the camera. All my weekends have been occupied by travel, events and meetings that I found completely no time for my own shutter therapy.

I need a break or I will break down completely.

This coming weekend I will be traveling with Olympus Malaysia team to Kota Kinabalu, Sabah and immediately after that I will be returning to my home in Kuching, Sarawak. I have not been back since August, and I look forward to seeing mum and catching up with friends and relatives. Most important of all, I shall make plenty of time for shooting on the streets in Kuching, and my hands are getting unbearably itchy!

Well, the logic is pretty much simple, when I do not have time to shoot in the weekends, there are no new photographs, thus nothing that I can use to compose my new blog updates.

Was trying the close up shooting of 12-100mm F4 PRO lens

Ahhh, yesss, I have plenty of portrait of strangers shots I did with the E-M1 Mark II, but I decided to show more images of the beautiful ladies I found at the MotorGP event at Sepang. 

Some weird structure that I thought would look better but was quite a disappointment, at Lake Gardens, KL. 

The only reason I went to Bird Park this time, was to track moving birds to test the C-AF of E-M1 Mark II. Hence I did not include normal bird photos, because, I think I have overused birds as my test subjects. 

This was taken with the 300mm F4 IS PRO lens. I realized I have not done macro shooting with the E-M1 Mark II yet. That will be in my to-do list in the near future. 

This was a failed attempt at shooting a 8 seconds hand-held with the 12-100mm F4 IS PRO on E-M1 Mark II. I think the initial 5 seconds was fully stabilized and the eyecup which was pressed on my glasses slipped, hence the erratic light motion. It is so cool, because the first 5 seconds was so stabilized it looked as if this image was a double exposure image. 

Flat White. Ahhhhhhhh

The images shown in this blog entry were recycled from the rejected list of images that did not make it to the recent E-M1 Mark II reviews.

Have you guys checked out the Olympus touch and try consumer events in your cities? I am sure Olympus near you is doing their best to bring the E-M1 Mark II for you to have hands-on experience before the camera hits the market. Please go and let me know what you think of the camera. You do not have to agree with me, as I mentioned my review is based on my own user experience using the camera, which is purely subjective.

When I do have more photographs next week, I will surely publish them here! Anyone in Kuching keen to join in street shooting around town area? Drop me a comment below.


  1. Hi Robin,
    I always read your blog and find it the place to check out latest offerings and how they perform from Olympus. I am from India. I am wondering if you have any idea as to when Olympus will launch the OMD EM1 Mark II in India. Along with pricing in Indian Rupees. Your photographs are so wonderful that they make me grab an Olympus Camera as soon as possible. Any information would be appreciated. Thanks! in advance.

    1. Hi Rahul,
      I am based in Malaysia and I do not have information on what happens on Olympus companies outside of Malaysia. You may check with the local dealer shops selling Olympus cameras?

  2. Sabah should be a good break. Are you going directly to KK or going the long way through Miri? That would be a good diversion.

    Ever photograph any of the long houses?

  3. Dear Robin, Please don't feel guilty - just enjoy life with your family. Highest regards - Per

  4. Hey Robin - some really nice work here. I really love the Oly colors and am still enjoying my EM5!

    Here in the Seattle area lots of our well-to-do techies are pre-ordering EM1 Mark II's and selling their lightly used Mark I's. There seem to be some really good deals out there. If you were to make a rough and quick comparison between the older and newer versions of the EM1what would you have to say? Just asking because I know you have used both extensively and may have some hands-on insight that transcends the technical comparisons. As we know, technical characteristics are not the only measurement of overall shooting experience.

    Keep up the good work!
    David in Seattle

  5. Hi Robin

    I know it's your break, but anyway: When you're going to Kuching, could you take the 25mm f/1.2 with you? I'm really keen to see more pictures from this lens.

  6. Hello! Your reviews is perfect! Robin,please,create review Oly 30mm f3.5 macro on video test FullHD 24,30,60fps.Could you do it?
    p.s. sorry my bad english;)

  7. A belated Happy Birthday to you Robin.
