Dec 21, 2015

A Sunday with No Shutter Therapy but with Lots of Coffee, Star Wars, Great Company of Friends and Early Birthday Surprise

It was a working Saturday for me so that only left me with a free Sunday. I was itching for some shutter therapy, hence I brought the OM-D E-M10 and several M.Zuiko lenses out to shoot on the streets, but the weather was unbearably scorching hot, I started sweating profusely it became too uncomfortable and I finally decided to just hang out in a nearby coffee place. I thought of resuming the street shooting but the air conditioning got the better of me and soon after that I have this short list of things to do that does not involve getting burned alive under the evil Malaysian sun. On the top of the list was the new Star Wars movie. 

I was not exactly a Star Wars fan, and was quite sure on not wanting to catch it in the cinema. However too many friends have been talking about it and every time I am on the Internet somewhere somehow something related to the new Star Wars movie will pop out. Not wanting to be left out and feeling a little lazy on Sunday, I walked right into the cinema and spent my afternoon watching Star Wars. It was a good movie, and an afternoon well spent. 

Although I did not have a proper shutter therapy session, I did have my gear with me and I was shooting at random things. I may not have portraits of strangers or that incredible "decisive moment" shot of the week to show, but who cares, it is Sunday, and I deserve some peace, quiet and rest!

Later in the evening, I had an early Christmas dinner with great company of friends, which turned into an early Birthday surprise for me! 

Yes, I could not believe I caved in and watched Star Wars. 

You may take away my shutter therapy but you can never take away my coffee

Whoever said one was enough?

One of the days I crave for oily unhealthy fried food. 

This image does not convey the overbearing heat I was tortured with on Sunday

I have always had a thing on reflections

Me, and the OM-D

An overly simplistic Pizza

What was originally an innocent early Christmas dinner turned out to be a surprise birthday celebration. 

A nicely wrapped gift box was presented to me, and as I opened it I found a Gundam Saviour (from Gundam Seed Destiny)! It has been assembled and custom painted by Jackie (THANKS!). Of many Gundam models out there this one is my absolute favourite and I always complained that I could not find one (or maybe was not looking hard enough), and for years of searching I have finally given up looking for it. The cool thing about this Gundam is the ability to transform into another form (not something very common in Gundam universe). 

Gundam Saviour - ZGMF-X23S
Apologies for the lousy product shot, it was almost 2am in the morning and I was too excited to sleep I needed to do something hence this quick shot with terrible use of flash. Not my finest shot but it would suffice.  
The Mobile Armor (basically a fighter jet) form

I was so distracted by the Gundam I did not see another one coming. This time, it was Carmen

Remember the list of gift ideas for Micro Four Thirds user? The surprise gift I got from my beautiful friends was none other than one from the list: the 9mm F8 Fisheye Body Cap Lens! I have always wanted one but have been hunting for a used unit in the local buy-sell forums, and now I finally have one in my arsenal. 

I think there was no words to describe the overwhelming joy, and yes, call me childish but there will always be that little boy in me that will never grow up. 

I was inundated with emotions that I forgot to take photo of every one. It was the moment when I just wanted to savor everything in and put the camera aside. Though I regretted not having taken the first shot with this Fisheye Body Cap lens of my friends who gave it to me. That would be fitting end to the beautiful night. 

Nevertheless, not all is lost. Jackie had his Action Cam (Xiaomi's Yi Cam) on most of the time, and he compiled the following shot, showing everyone present.

Spontaneous shot of everyone, taken by Jackie's Yi Cam. 

Special thanks to Carmen, Jackie, Jaslyn, Alex and YY for being there, and the awesome gifts. Above all, I appreciate and treasure our friendship all these years. 

I may do ONE more post, before wrapping up the year 2015. Until then....

Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays to everyone!


  1. Great friends and gift!
    I hope that you will present a new shots from body cap. I buy this toy after reading your review and I am happy with 9mm, I regulary use it.

    Yesterday I buy Panas 12-32 and sell m.zuiko 14-42 RII. 12mm, better kontrast and great image in whole 12-32mm!

    1. Sure, you will expect to see more shots from the hody cap lens!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Happy Birthday Robin! And have a wonderful holiday and a great new year. I might be popping over to KL next month again so if you have some free time maybe some more shutter therapy, cheers!

    1. Hey Warren,
      Do let me know when you are coming over. Will bring you to come of my usual coffee hang out places!

  4. Happy Birthday Robin!! Great to see how you enjoyed and your fine shots. Here's to years of photographic fun :)

    1. Thanks g. Appreciate the kind words and well wishes.

  5. Hi Robin,
    sorry for not having left commenrs earlier. I'm really enjoying your blog. You really succeed in transmitting your enthusiasm in taking pictures. And what a coincidence, it's my birthday too!
    Best wishes!

    1. Happy Birthday Pierre! Thanks for the kind words, and keep shooting!

  6. Happy Birthday Robin
    I still enjoy you blog and have recently add an EM-5 and a 12-50 mm to my collection.
    Have a good 2016
    Don from America

  7. Happy birthday Robin! When was it exactly, on the 20th? I'm just asking because it's a week earlier than the one of our Zuleikha, who will turn 11 right after Christmas (on the day of the Tsunami)...

    1. My birthday is one day after Christmas. That was an early celebration.

  8. 誕生日おめでとうございます!<---Japanese birthday greeting. I hope that the 26th will be a good day for you.

  9. Hi Robin, that was a good sharing. I happened to look to change my gear to the M4/3 after being a Canon user for years. It's so heavy that I lost my interest in photography. But after reading your blog, it spurs my interest again. Thank you so much for your sharing and wishing you a wonderful birthday tomorrow. Yours is 4 days after my birthday :)

  10. Love the writing on the card, looks so neat =D Robin you are awesome to have more awesome friends yo. Hope all is good for you and even better in 2016~
