Dec 14, 2014

Wong Fu Productions and David Choi Live in Malaysia at #Ohhsome Festival 2014

I have been a huge fan of Wong Fu Productions for many years. I followed Wong Fu even when I was in my university days, since they first released their Yellow Fever (I saw the video some time in 2007 I think). Wong Fu Productions is perhaps, one of the biggest motivations to me, to pursue what I love doing, and dare myself to go the distance. I can relate to Wong Fu very well, considering two of the core members Philip Wang and Wesley Chan share the same age as me, but look at how far they have come and all their huge accomplishments! They started from filming just for fun in college, and as the Youtube age hit the internet, they took advantage of that and over time, they have improved in their film productions in every single possible angle, from script writing to cinematography. Their passion to go further, dedication to their art and surely, pure determination have brought them far..They made it, and they made it HUGE, turned their passion into a living dream, and have inspired millions of people around the world. 

When I heard Wong Fu was coming to Malaysia, I MUST go and see them. I managed to do that earlier this evening, at #Ohhsome Festival happening at Avenue K, Kuala Lumpur. They travelled halfway across the globe to Malaysia, and I must snap a frame or two of their photographs!

Oohsome Festival was a celebration of the power of social media, including Youtube, Instagram and Facebook. Many social media experts or celebrities, both internationally and locally were invited to perform, or deliver talks to inspire the general crowd. The headliner was surely Wong Fu Productions, and along with them also appearing on stage the same evening was David Choi, whom happened to be one of my favourite non-mainstream artists. Seeing both David Choi and Wong Fu, my Saturday night could not have been spent better. It was a night to remember, though my feet hurt so much from standing for more than 5 hours securing the standing spot before the final appearance of Wong Fu on stage. It was all worth it. 

All images were taken with Olympus OM-D E-M1 and M.Zuiko lenses 40-150mm F2.8 PRO or 75mm F1.8

David Choi performed about 5 songs on stage, and totally melted the hearts of all the girls there. 

As a bonus I managed to capture a video of David Choi performing Missing Piece, my favorite song from his album Forever and Ever. The video was recorded hand-held with the M.Zuiko 75mm F1.8, and check out how amazing the 5-Axis Image Stabilization is! 


Philip and Wesley came to Malaysia, but Ted could not make it. It would have been really cool if we have ALL three of them together! Nonetheless, it was such a cool experience seeing Wes and Phil on stage, live for the first time. They shared with the crowd two videos, first being their new short film about Christmas and Santa, and second, a snippet preview of their biggest project up to date, the Wong Fu Movie! We were told that we were the first in the world to watch both video clips. 

And oh, Wes got really cool hair!

A little note on shooting a stage performance, or more properly described, a concert environment with the M.Zuiko 40-150mm F2.8 Pro lens: simply amazing. The lens focuses flawlessly, superbly fast and instantaneous. The images came out richly detailed and beautiful. The lens just works. The 40-150mm provides such a flexible coverage, at 40mm I can fit almost the whole stage (I was not standing too far away from the stage of course) and at 150mm I could get very close to the performer on stage. 

If you shoot a lot of concerts and live stage performance, and you use Olympus OM-D system, you MUST add this new M.Zuiko 40-150mm Pro lens into your arsenal. 

Some of the crowd got invited on stage to do impersonations on the Wong Fu members, and the best impersonator gets to do a selfie with Wes and Phil!

The next thing they did was asking the selected audience to pose them so image can be taken. 

Phil looks super worried

Jackie Loi, Jun, Calvin and myself

Any Wong Fu and David Choi fans here? Show yourself!


  1. OMG. Your camera is amazing. It's so clear that I could see all of their wrinkle lines. haha. Seriously wish I was there. Oh Wesley <3

    1. Why were you not there??
      Thanks for the kind words. Been using Olympus system for many years now and it has never let me down.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks TC. I know you can do much better than me.

  3. considering you didnt have photographer passes, and that the lighting must be preety unfriendly, this shots are epicly nice!!

    bet the 'camping' was worth every penny man!

    1. Hey Cyril,
      Thanks for the kind words. The main disadvantage was being stuck at one spot, not being able to move around much. Having a media/photographer pass would allow more creative angles and perspectives.

      My legs! I could feel them no more.

  4. Thanks Joyce. I shoot mostly with Aperture Priority but I set the exposure compensation a lot depending on each scene.

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