Oct 18, 2014

Shutter Therapy Goes On

It felt like it has been centuries since I last did any street photography. The previous few weeks were occupied with the M.Zuiko 40-150mm F2.8 Pro lens, and I had very specific purpose in mind when I went out to shoot. Obviously the long PRO lens was not a suitable street photography lens, so I decided to shoot other subjects, which worked out well for the lens. This weekend, I finally had some room to breathe, and I am glad I can finally do my shutter therapy, doing my own thing and just shoot whatever comes to me on the street without having "objectives" preoccupying my mind all the time. 

It was a solo photowalk, and I do miss the times when I roamed the streets alone. It is not exactly adviceable to do so in streets of KL, since we do have quite a high crime rate here now. Nonetheless, it was refreshing and just the session I needed to clear my head off the dramas and traumas in life. 

All images were taken with Olympus OM-D E-M5 and M.Zuiko 45mm F1.8 or PEN E-PL5 and Panasonic 14mm F2,5

Coffee after shoot. 


At the Train Station

Umbrella Man

The Cat




Market Worker

Morning Laughter

Smile for the photographer!

My lunch, sort of. 

I actually do intend to just leave all my gear behind, and only shoot with my Oneplus One phone. I think that is not a bad idea. I need to challenge myself and push further. Maybe that will happen, if I decide to hit the streets again tomorrow. 


  1. The 45 1.8 still remains my all time fav Zuiko for m43 :D

  2. We can say that good hardware is far to be enough for good photos like yours. But it is a part of it for technical and human aspect of photo. So you have the material, the eye and the feeling. Bravo !
    It would be nice to see photos from you plus another brand of bodies and lenses.

    1. Thanks for the kind words. While I do agree with what you mentioned, but one important part of good photography is knowing your equipment inside out, which took me years and years of experience to master. Getting any other camera may take time.

    2. About hardware,as you have used e-M5/e-m10 EVF and e-p5/e-pl5/e-pl7 + VF-4, can you please tell me witch EVF you think to be better. In other terms, e-m10 or e-PL7+VF-4 ? Is it the only point to look carefuly to make a choice ?

  3. just me, if i go for two lens, yes this 14 and 45 just a great combo ... small, fast af, silent, sharp, great color, yeah oly color, what else do u need right ?

    but for just one lens, and one lens only ... i will go with the 20mm 1,7 ... :) ,

    yes this lens has it flaw, hope zuiko would fix the flaw, and create m. zuiko 20 f1,7 version ... :D

  4. Read your blog all the time. Very educational. Watched get olympus anywhere training videos first set landscape, nature... I'm sorry to say being a pro photographer for National Geographic did NOT qualify Jay Dickson to be an educator. The videos are way way below Olympus as a company. In fact pathetic comes to mind. Bob gallagher for wife cathy..

  5. I'm thinking of getting my wife Cathy a body to use with the 4 primes I have 14..25 1.4...45 and 60mm. Would you suggest em10 or PL7.
    WOULD GET kit lens too. Bob

  6. What theme is that on your OnePlus One?

    1. I am using Google Now Launcher. That widget you are seeing on homescreen is Zooper Widget.
