Sep 19, 2014

Kuala Lumpur Photography Festival (KLPF) 2014 Day 1

It is that time of the year again, Kuala Lumpur Photography Festival is happening and Olympus Malaysia is participating! I am of course, stationed there full time, so if you happen to be there, please do drop by Olympus and say hi!

We have plenty of activities lined up for KLPF 2014, and here is a list:

1) Free Professional camera and lens cleaning service for Olympus users 

2) Live Demonstration on Olympus Capture (tethered shooting) on a studio set up environment, and Keystone Compensation, both new awesome features in OM-D E-M1 Firmware 2.0 upgrade (only on Saturday and Sunday, hence no photographs from Day 1, Friday)

3) Touch and Try with our latest cameras, PEN E-PL7 and OM-D E-M1 Silver version, both launched very recently!

4) Amir Ridhwan will be on main stage, delivering his talk "Small Gear, Big Pictures" on Saturday, 4pm! 

5) Sanjitpaal Singh will be on main stage, speaking on "Journeys and Discoveries through Photography" on Sunday, 1.15pm!

6) Lots of great deals, promotions and unbeatable packages if you consider to grab an OM-D, PEN or other Olympus gear at KLPF!

Day 1 as usual was less hectic and we expect heavier crowd coming in the weekends. Nevertheless, many thanks to many friends who came to say hey and cheered me up. I hope to see a lot more of you soon!

It has been a long day (started early, ended late, and here I am blogging with plenty of photos), so the photographs will appear in a rather random manner.

All images were taken with OM-D E-M5 and mostly M.Zuiko 25mm F1.8 lens. All SOOC JPEG. I was too tired to bother about any post-processing at all after standing on my feet for all day. 


  1. fantastic image quality from this small camera! hope to do video review about this upcoming olympus pen!
    do visit my blog as well.

    1. Thanks for dropping by, hope you guys enjoyed using the camera, and do not hesitate to contact me later ya.

  2. Robin, I admire your eye, feeling and the ability to catch the moment. Great photos. :)

  3. That silver E-M1 looks super sexy. Great shots Robin! It looks like a really cool event.

    1. Hey Wataru,
      Thanks for the kind words. And yes that E-M1 is suepr sexy!

  4. Have a great time! (Looks like you already are!) I hope when you get some time you can write an article on the new features and revisions found in the E-M1 2.0 firmware update, to provide us with some greater detail than what's found in the release notes. Any hope Olympus will revise the user's guide to reflect the changes?

  5. Hi Robin,

    You do the EM5 good justice. I too have the EM5 which I am most pleased and get great results from.

    I would like to get an EM1 as a second body put was put off by the shutter shock issue reported.
    Any update about a fix for the burst mode shooting with a fix for this?

    Thanks and keep up the good work - most useful.

