Jul 26, 2014

An Ordinary Saturday Morning Out Shooting with Friends

It is the start of a long weekend, and I intend to make full use of this rare opportunity. What better way to start it off with a shutter therapy session at Pudu, one of my favourite hunting grounds. It was then followed by a morning coffee session at Pulp. What made it awesome was the amazing people I was blessed to be with. 

I was using mostly the Olympus 45mm F1.8 on the street today and I am continued to be amazed by what this lens can do. The ability to create shallow depth of field with this lens was much appreciated, as I was able to separate the subjects from the background. The contrast and sharpness of this lens is surely very good, and I practically have no complains at all. Perhaps next week I will have the opportunity to shoot with the Nocticron 42.5mm F1.2 when Shaun returns to Kuala Lumpur, but even if that lens turns out to be better than the Olympus 45mm F1.8, it is still difficult not to love what this 45mm F1.8 can do. 

The second set of photographs (in color) taken in the coffee house, Pulp, was with the 25mm F1.8 lens. The lens is very sharp, and the field of coverage was just perfect for all kind of shots I was shooting in the coffee place. 

All images were taken with Olympus OM-D E-M5 with Panasonic 14mm F2.5, Olympus 25mm F1.8 or 45mm F1.8

The Lorry Man

Young Calculator

Portrait of a Stranger

A little bit shy

Market Place


Portrait of a Stranger 2

E-M1 and Coffee

Coffee Art

Cold Brew

Tipping for Self Service

Carmen Hong and Jason Lioh


Delicious Lunch


  1. I love your pictures as many do. But it would be interesting if you could write an article about how you approach your subjects. I tried a "therapy walk" in downtown Stavanger, but never worked up the courage to take pictures like these. Do you use a special brand of tooth paste?

    1. Dear Geir,
      Thanks for the kind words. Here is something I have written: http://robinwong.blogspot.com/2012/03/approaching-strangers.html

  2. Hi Robin, you guys sure look like you are having fun! Mor food LOL... BTW, will you ever a comparisons of flash units for the OMD cameras. I, for one, would to love see the OMD's using the appropriate Oly, and maybe Nissin flashes just to get an idea of usability. Or have you sworn off comparison "reviews"?

  3. Hi Robin,
    Looks like I missed a fun and delicious shooting session :-)
    Innovative framing and great sense of depth in "Lorry man."
