Jun 21, 2014

Jalan Masjid India Night Market: An Official Olympus Photowalk

About 7 people turned up for the Night Photography Outing by Olympus Malaysia earlier this evening (just hours ago) and I was glad to lead this group of passionate Olympus shooters along the famous night market at Jalan Masjid India. 

Shooting at the market at night was both fun and challenging at the same time. Fun, because a lot of activities and items sold are unique to the night market, and the atmosphere is rather interesting due to huge congestion of crowd, as well as mixed multiple source of lighting (flourescent, LED, tungsten, etc) all creating a rather different set of photography outcome than shooting during daytime. Challenging, because the place is too crowded, having limited space to move about, and being at night, low light conditions are encountered at times. 

I had great fun being out there with the group of Olympus users, and I sure hope they felt the same way too. I managed to dispense a bit of sharing on some camera techniques, and composition perspectives. Our intention was to get people to shoot more and more with our Olympus gear, and I do hope they have gone home with beautiful images. 

Here are some of my own images, taken during the photowalk session, some were done to demonstrate a few points I was sharing, such as getting shallow depth of field, shooting against bright light, getting close-up and approaching strangers to take their portraits. 

All images were taken with Olympus OM-D E-M5, M.Zuiko lens 45mm F1.8 and Panasonic 14mm F2.5

Portrait of a Stranger


Glowing Eyes





Left Out


Sweet and Sour

Portrait of a Stranger 2

Wating for Customer


Floating Toys

Colorful Fabrics

Behind Bars

Nice Hat

By the Road


Amir and his spanking new gear


Low Light? No problem. OM-D can. 

The Olympus Warriors

Special thanks to the participants who came! Hope to see you guys again in future events. 


  1. Lovely color ....great skin tones despite the artificial lighting...:)

  2. toujours très agréable de voir vos photos

    always nice to see your photos

  3. Inspiring write-up of an interesting photo-walk. Hands on with the equipment is how one becomes a better photographer; the photos prove it! Outstanding images, as always.

    1. Thanks Reverend! Gotta shoot more to improve!

  4. The images at night seems so clear and soft yet detail. I like!!

  5. All are fantastic and inspiring images!

  6. Are you using special white balance at night? Are you also using an off-camera flash? Look very good.

    1. Hi Bryce,
      Nope, no flash was used, all available light only. Also, White Balance was set to auto but I did do some minor tweaking in post processing
