May 28, 2014

Pink Towel

Olympus OM-D E-M5 and 45mm F1.8 lens


  1. Awesome combo plus Awesome photographer produce awesome image.
    Robin, now this 45mm f1.8 stays on my OMD E-M5 wherever I go. I love it. Beside I love fixed focal.

  2. Wonderful colours, and a heart-warming image!

  3. Nice photo!, Was this shot take @ F1.8? Could you post the exif info. I have this lens & camera combo but my shots are never as nice.

    1. I guess it was. (99% sure, I can't see why he would use something else).

      I don't want to bring you down, but making nice photographs is never in the equipment. A complete fool won't make even a nice photograph even with the worlds' best camera.

      Taking great photo's takes great practice. I'm photgraping for about 10 years know and still learning.

      To me the main 'building blocks' for a photograph are light and composition (shape). For persons of course the expressions etc. are of great value.

      I always ask myself, 'what do I want the viewer to see?' The viewer wasn't generally there when the photograph is taken. He doesn't hear/see/smell/feel the things you did. A view that looks astonishing can be a dull photo.

      You could read some articles in the 'Tech' page of Ken Rockwell (, I learned a lot from those. And the book 'The Art Of Photography' (Bruce Barnbaum(?) is really worth you time if you are really serius. It isn't an easy reader though.

      Enjoy taking photograps an remember, there are no rules. Rule of thirds, no horizon in the middle, f*k them. Just take the powerful picture you envision.

  4. Very Robinesque portrait - warm, friendly, open, honest. Technically perfect. I thought your work with the 75mm was also very impressive, but this lens is clearly also a jewel.
