Mar 18, 2014

Out of focus

Everything about this one shot was wrong. It was completely out of focus. It has a strongly backlit subject. The image has no definition and the composition was boring, having the man smacked right in the middle of the frame, with nothing else to support the main content. The exposure was all off with too much shadow and highlight burns. No matter how much post-processing the image cannot be salvaged. This shot was a failure. A rejected frame from the series to "edit" and filter out the unacceptable images.

But you know what? I love this image. And I do not care if no one likes it either. Because this is still my image. 


  1. Wee bit eerie... But I like it too...

    1. Now you mentioned it... it started to look eerie.

  2. It seems like a part of a story, when the subject as just woken up on the floor to find a man standing in front of him.
    Photos are content and this one has it.

    1. The photo was taken from the ground level, you were not wrong to feel that it was as if the subject was seeing it as he woke up!


  3. The moment I saw this picture, this came straight to my mind:
    Cult horror scifi classic.

    1. Oh wow, I think I was thrown into a different generation, but I can see the stark resemblance!

  4. Don't you love when that happens? You hover your finger over the delete button, but your mind won't let you do it, because there is a 'connection' there: a connection that you can't describe. It's a 'heart' image, not a 'head' image. I agree, Robin, this is a strong photo, and I'm glad you love it!

    1. Hey Rob! Thanks! You were right, though my head tells me it was a bad photo, my heart tells me otherwise!

  5. What's cool is with the subject being out of focus, you can't quite tell if he is walking towards the camera or away from it. The head is shrouded in light, so his face/back of head is hidden. It's like the camera holder is just waking up from a drug stupor/or is still in a dream. Lots going on here.

    1. Now you are the second person that says "waking up". Interesting! I guess the reason for that was the camera being at almost ground level pointing up.

  6. Ok now really looking at the image I think I must have taken it while squatting, through the viewfinder. Not really from the ground level. My memory is playing tricks on me

  7. I like it too kinda a holga like lomography

  8. It does some rather other-wordly. I wouldn't even go close to saying it was wrong .. more like a rebel, breaking all of the rules and still coming out successful. :)

    1. Hey Paul,
      I wish I can claim to be a rebel because what happened was the focusing point was set at the wrong place (my own careless mistake). But yeah, I do wish it was an intentional shot in the first place and take credit for it!

  9. Dreamlike photo. Screw the rules. Just know them and learn to break them.

  10. Some of the digital pictures I consider my best (that's very subjective - I know) were make with a completely archaic Samsung 5mb compact. Screw the rules indeed!

  11. Really love the photo! Best quote I can share from a friend who reads a lot of photography books is "a blur image of a sharp idea is better than a sharp image of a blur idea."

    This is definitely the former, and I think it looks better blurred than sharp.

    1. Thanks Endruuu, very wise words indeed, and thanks so much for sharing!
