Dec 1, 2013

Olympus Malaysia Walkabout at Pudu

Olympus Malaysia had a walkabout session at Pudu, Kuala Lumpur this morning, and guess what, I was the one leading the session! 

The purpose of this Walkabout was to encourage our Olympus OM-D, PEN and E-System (Four Thirds DSLR) users to go out and shoot more with Olympus gear. After all, the purpose of having a camera is to shoot photographs and we do want our users to use our cameras and lenses more. At the same time, it was a group outing so it was a platform to connect the Olympus users together. I was an Olympus users for many years and believe me it is a lonely camp when you do not know where to go and how to find other similar brand users. The registration to this event was open on last Tuesday and within just one day, the slots were already filled up! I limited the slots to only 15, mainly because it is easier to manage a small group, and in case there were questions or issues I can try to make sure that I am available to tend to as many people as possible. I have joined outings with 30-50 people and while they were fun, it was almost difficult to have any chance to talk to the leader at all. 

The turn-up was great and we had 16 people with us this morning, which comprised of many OM-D E-M1 users, E-M5 and also PEN users. Of course managing a lot of people means I have less time shooting (hence less photos here) but it was a joy to be able to bring a group of people to my usual street hunting ground, Pudu and introduce street photography to many people for the first time. People there were friendly and very approachable and there were so many activities and things happening around the place. My only wish was to be able to connect and communicate better but that was difficult to do when the group was difficult to move together once we have hit the wet market (we had to move in smaller groups). 

Full Attendance - Olympus OM-D, PEN  and E-System users for Pudu Walkabout!

Portrait of a Stranger 1

Hugging Vegetables


It is alive

Portrait of starnger 2

Sugar Glider


Manual Picking

Healthy Colors

Steaming Hot


Old and Damaged

Local and Foreign

Portrait of Stranger 3

Big Box

Morning Shopping

OM-D E-M1 user, Mohd Hisham in action

Tai Foong

Allan and OM-D E-M1 with M.Zuiko 12-40mm F2.8 Pro

Khoo and John, giving their Olympus gear a workout

Single handed shooting by Constance

Tilt-Screen on the E-PL3 

Allan and Khoo

Peck Yah with her E-M1 and 12-40mm F2.8 Pro lens. Great street combo. 

Friendly Olympus people. My colleagues, who both used Olympus OM-D E-M1 for today's shoot. Chun Kett and Desmond 

It was a great shooting session and I was so glad to connect to so many Olympus users. Surely I hope everyone had fun and had learned something useful to go home with. Do not worry, we will have more of such similar activities soon, and I am looking forward to seeing more and more Olympus supporters!


  1. Robin, I loved your pix, as usual they are so different from what I feel comfortable doing. My E-M1 just arrived. Spent a lot the day setting it up. Fortunately this was made easier by just turning on the E-M5 at the same time and just copying the settings, only stopping when a new never-before-seen setting popped up. This is truly a different feeling camera than the E-M5, in particular the (1) grip, (2) EVF and (3) sound of the shutter and access to bracketing (I'm just using the choices in the HDR mode)... all make the E-M1 feel different and IMHO better than the E-M5.

    Best, Peter

    1. Hey Peter,
      The photos have to be different because we are shooting at very different locations! Glad you have your E-M1 already! I am sure you will make great images with the E-M1 already.

  2. Robin, I would like to thank you for your clear and balanced reviews. They helped me many months ago to make the switch from my Panasonic G3 (with which I've done a year-long b/w project) to an E-M5, that I found a joy to use, and a week ago to the E-M1 (that I find an absolute BLAST to work with!). I look forward to your 12-40mm review, but more than any other thing I really appreciate your so-called "shutter therapy" reports. For me, it is what photography is about, at the end...
    Kepp up with the good work!!!

    1. Hey Andrea,
      Thanks for the kind words on my blog reviews. I am glad to hear that you have the E-M5 and E-M1! Do go out and have your own "Shutter therapy" sessions too!

    2. You're welcome - the E-M5 now is in the hands of a new "happy camper" ;)

  3. Hmmm, Tai Foong seems to have covered up an brand labels. He must have too many Canikon friends.

    I'm really surprised that Olympus has started this photo walks lately. I would have expected such experiences in 2004 when I first bought my E-1 but it seemed as though they just wanted to collect money all these years. I participated in a photo walk with the E-M1 and 12-40mm lens, and it was a good experience. I just wish they'd started years ago.

  4. Robin,
    What a splendid way to connect so many users. As usual, your shots are very impressive.

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  9. Hi Robin,

    I have a tip for all the reader of your blog. In the pictures I saw a few people shooting in portrait mode, turning their camera so that the exposure button is on top.
    It's more stable to turn the camera the other way around, so that the exposure button is below. Than use the thumb to press the exposure button.

    Marco Schouten

    1. Marcus, thanks for the advice, I'll try it! BTW, check when you post, it seems your pc/tablet/smartphone had done it too much times! :)

    2. I don't know what happened, but I deleted the double posts. Thanks.

  10. Rob well done Good sharing post on Olympus. I own the E-p3. I find it lacking in video friendliness. Upon clicking red button for video, I find it diff to continuously focus as I can't tap on the screen and refocus. Was it possible? I suppose e-p5 can and also it has the focus peaking.

    I am using the panny 20mm 1.7f. Thus it's diff to shoot for video as focusing is a bit slow.

  11. Hi Robin,
    Thank you for organising the event and hopeful we can do it again in the future.
    I also personally thank you for introducing me to the new hunting ground namely Pudu Wet Market which I considered as one of the most friendly and camera-friendly characters I have ever seen in whole Malaysia. Olympus users who participate in the event were awesome and passionate shooter whom I love to walk again with in the future. You guys are rock. Olympus team, you are wonderful. Thank you.
    All my pictures were in RAW and I am doing converting like kura kura with the in-camera filters.
    Thank you again and may you have a great day.
    John Ragai

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