Nov 2, 2013

Pushing Myself Further

One of the biggest mistakes that I see in many of my photographer friends, is being content with their photography level, and starting to brag about their own photographs and showing off how good they have become, claiming how much they have come and how far better they are than other photographers (their friends). Perhaps they do not speak that directly, but acknowledging that you are better than others and letting the "ego" take the better of you will not be good in your journey to improve in photography. Photography journey knows no end, it is ongoing, and those photographers who thought they have done it all, knew it all, did not realize that they have stopped growing, and won't improve further any more. 

I am afraid I will fall into that category. I am afraid one day people will think that I am lost in my own world that I no longer can connect to anyone else, and my photography work won't be able to speak to the audience any more. 

Therefore, it is a crucial thing to do for any photographer to always take a pause from time to time and truly reflect on their own work, what they have done, the good and the bad things, and in what ways that can be pushed even further, and be a better photographer. It is the process of continuous improving, even if the steps are little, tiny bit by bit, that gets any photographer to the place he wants to be. 

List of items that I strive for and am working on now:
1) Use more wide angle, and learn how to truly master wide angle shots. 
2) See things differently than what I already have, and challenge myself to find beauty in ordinary things. 
3) Consider more than one main subject in one frame. All this while I have always stayed with one subject one background rule.
4) Break rule of thirds. I noticed how strictly I adhere to this composition style. 
5) Meet more photographers and it is time to network and LEARN, while I share what I have as well. Time to brush up my networking skills.

All images were taken with Olympus OM-D E-M5 and M.Zuiko lenses 12-50mm F3.5-6.3 and 45mm F1.8

Multiple Spirals. 12-50mm kit lens

Blessing by Fire. 45mm F1.8

Young. 45mm F1.8

Up. 12-50mm kit lens

Red Lantern. 12-50mm kit lens

Hope. 12-50mm kit lens

Incense Coils. 12-50mm kit lens

Joss-sticks. 12-50mm kit lens

Temple Worker. 45mm f1.8

Hanging Umbrellas. 12-50mm kit lens

Human Replacement. 45mm F1.8

Friend Peck Yah has just received her E-M1 ! She is out there shooting already. 45mm F1.8

Joey and Brandon. 45mm F1.8

The OM-D Warriors. 12-50mm kit lens

Brandon. My favourite shot of the day. 12-50mm kit lens


  1. Fantastic shots Robin! The young 45 f1.8 makes me wonder if getting a voigtlander 42.5 f0.95 is really worth the extra expense with the shallow depth of field from the 45 f1.8. Well done!

    1. Thanks jason. To me F1.8 is more than sufficient.

    2. I am using the voigtlander 42.5mm for very specific purposes - mainly video and it is quite incredible but for everyday photography I find the 45mm f/1.8 to be all I need at that focal length. Btw the 42.5mm voigtlander is awesome for portraits.

  2. Hi Robin.
    Thank you for sharing those touching and personal thoughts. Awesome images and love the colors. I love to walk and shoot in the street instead I just did some troubleshooting in my office today. Psst...I also managed to take some macro shots at our backyard during my break time. At least I shoot something to release my tension. I will go to Midvalley on Sunday to check Nikon new camera. May you have a great weekend. Happy Diwali. Happy Soul Day.

    1. My pleasure to share, John. Thanks for the kind words. Deepavali actual day is tomorrow (Sunday) so lots of shooting opportunities still!

  3. Can't agree with you more.
    Brandon really enjoyed the session.....was an experienced for him, roaming the streets of KL!!!
    A big thank you for spending those precious time with us. Really appreciate it. BTW, those shots are 'simply AWESOME, Robin'.

    1. Glad to hear that Brandon enjoyed himself. No worries, my pleasure to shoot with Olympus supporters! Hope you got some good shots.

  4. Robin,
    Very encouraging message and loved the shots.

  5. such lovely blog entries ...despite your time crunch ....This truely inspires...:):):)

    Does your new job with Olympus Malaysia give u more time to shoot images ?? Or is it an administrative /desk kind of a job ?

    1. Thanks for the kind words. Well, it is a mix of both!

  6. You are correct that it always wise to keep looking at things anew, with a fresh perspective, with new eyes. And learn, learn, learn. Because one is never too old to learn. And - indeed - break the "rules" every now and then; out of creative experimentation, curiosity, on a whim, or just to be rebellious every now and then.

    One thing you don't have to worry about is "braggeritis horribilis"; also known as the forum rat syndrome. You don't have the personality to brag about your work - to the contrary, I often observed that you should give yourself more credit. Much of your work is very good, and many shots are truly exceptional. There's no "blah" shots in there, at least in my eyes. And I don't mean just technically - I mean both technically and artistically. Just my two cents. But by all means - continue on your path, especially since you love it and are doing wonderfully!

    P.S. Needless to say that these pictures are spot-on again. Love the umbrellas, and the "young" portrait. The tight composition is perfect for him, love it. And that 45mm is a gem.

  7. I see an awful lot of candles, fire, flames in your photos, do you not have any fire laws there.


  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Wow, ur photo sharp and nice. 12-50 on ur hand had became pro series lens. Is it the latest pro series lens after 12-40?

    1. It is not a pro lens, but it is doing quite well!

    2. Bro I knew la. Lol.
      What I mean is standard lens on ur hand had became a pro lens. Haha.

  10. Yes I know, it was meant as a joke.

    1. For safety reasons, the oil lamps were not used this year! Only candles. So sad
